Texas State House Districts Plan H2100 (2021-2022, based on 2020 Census)

data.texas.gov | Last Updated 20 Jul 2023

The 83rd Legislature, 1st Called Session, enacted S.B. 3 (PLAN H358), the plan used to elect members to the Texas House from 2014-2018. The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas ordered changes to districts 90, 97 and 99 in Tarrant County for the 2020 elections. The resulting statewide plan (PLAN H414) is effective January 2021. PLAN H2100 is the representation of the current state house districts drawn on 2020 census geography. Texas has 150 state representative districts. Each district has an ideal 2020 census population of 194,303. For more information, visit https://redistricting.capitol.texas.gov/Current-districts#st-house-section

Tags: house, texas, map, district, census

This dataset has the following 2 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
the_geomthe_geommultipolygonarea geometry for mapping purposes
DistrictdistrictnumberState representative district number