Complaint indexes and policy counts for insurance companies | Last Updated 4 Oct 2021

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regulates the state’s insurance industry and oversees the administration of the Texas workers’ compensation system. This data set includes counts for confirmed complaints and policies in force by company name and line of coverage. The complaint index is calculated by dividing the company's percentage of complaints for a specific line of insurance by the company's percentage of policies in force for the same line of insurance. The average index is 1.00. A number less than 1 indicates fewer complaints than average. A number greater than 1 indicates more complaints than average. Please visit <a href="" target="_blank"><u>TDI Complaints: All Data </u></a>for details about processed complaints.

Tags: tdi, insurance, complaint, index, policy, policies, count, carrier, company, health, auto, homeowner, life, annuity, property, accident, workers, comp, compensation, doi, department, casualty

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Organization IDorg_idnumberThe number assigned by TDI to an insurance carrier
Company namecompany_nametextName of insurance carrier approved by TDI to offer insurance products
NAIC IDnaic_idtextThe number assigned by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to an insurance carrier
Total number of confirmed complaintscol1numberThe number of complaints that TDI confirmed against a licensed carrier
Total policiescol2numberThe number of policies in force for a specific line of coverage as of December 31 on the specified year
Complaint Indexcol3numberThis number indicates how a company's ratio of the number of complaints to the number of policyholders compares to the average for all insurers
Year of policy countyeartextThe year for the number of policies that a carrier reported
Line of coveragetype_cdtextShows if the coverage was “Automobile,” “Homeowners,” “Accident and Health,” “Life and Annuity,” or “Workers’ Compensation