Harris County Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR)

data.texas.gov | Last Updated 12 May 2022

The document displays all the facilities in Harris County, Texas that have submitted a DMR. There are multiple lines for each facility due to outfalls and parameters. The spreadsheet is searchable by permittee name and EPA ID.

Tags: enviromental protection agency, dmr

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
EPA Identifierepa_idtextEPA Identifier
TPDES Numbertpdes_notextTexas Pollutiant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) number
Permit Namepermit_nametextPermit name
Facility Namefacility_nametextName of the facility
Facility Designationfacility_designationtextFacility Desiganation - minor or major
Monitoring Period End Datemon_per_end_datetextEnd Date of the monioring period
Outfalloutfalltextoutfall identifier