Vermont State Police Arrests for DUI with Crash by County and Gender (2013-Present) | Last Updated 28 Apr 2017

DISCLAIMER: This chart may be based on preliminary information that has not yet been verified and may be changed at a later date due to additional investigation. Additionally, the data entry process may include mechanical and/or human errors. Therefore, the Vermont State Police does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information provided in this chart. SUMMARY: This chart contains information related to arrests for driving under the influence involving a crash by county and gender as recorded by the Vermont State Police between January 1, 2013 and the previous month. These data are extracted from the Vermont State Police records management system on a monthly basis. This chart is made available in an effort to enhance the transparency of law enforcement activities in Vermont. Should you have questions about this chart, please contact Scott Waterman at the Vermont State Police (802-241-5312 | If you have questions about the underlying dataset, please contact the specific law enforcement agency as they are each responsible for their own records. To access a summary page of this dataset, select the “About” tab on the right side of this page and scroll down to the attachments and click on the PDF document.

Tags: vsp, police, arrests, dui, traffic crash, pdi

This dataset has the following 3 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
County of Arrestcounty_of_arresttextCounty in which the arrest occurred.
Arrestee Genderarrestee_gendertextGender of the offender at time of arrest.
CountcountnumberNumeric value used to count arrest records for data visualizations such as charts and graphs.