Driver Licenses and ID Cards Transferred to Washington | Last Updated 16 Apr 2024

This data set shows monthly counts of new Washington State driver licenses and identification cards (ID) where customers presented licenses or IDs from other states or countries. The data is organized by Washington counties where the customers live. It shows where the previous driver licenses or ID cards were issued.

Tags: migration, moving to washington, new drivers, driver license, driver licenses, id card, identification card, county, population, washington state driver reports, dol_open_data, rao_open_data, rao_drvr, dol, department of licensing

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Count of New WA State Driver Licenses and ID Cardscount_of_new_credentialnumberThe number of Driver Licenses and ID cards issued by Washington State Department of Licensing.
YearyeartextThe year the Washington ID card or Driver License was issued.
MonthmonthnumberThe month that the Washington ID card or Driver License was issued.
Month Namemonth_nametextThe month that the Washington ID card or Driver License was issued.
Issue Dateissue_datecalendar_dateThe month and year that the Washington ID card or Driver License was issued.
Card Type Issuedcard_type_issuedtextThis shows what type of card Department of Licensing issued to the customer.
County of Residencecounty_of_residencetextThe Washington County on record associated with the new Driver License or ID card.
Prior State of USA Issued License or IDstate_of_origintextUS State that issued the document the customer presented to get their Washington license or ID card.
Country Issuing Previous License or IDcountry_of_origintextCountry that issued the document the customer presented to get their Washington license or ID card.
ISO 2 Alpha codeiso_2_alpha_codetextThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2-character alphabetical (letter) code used to identify the Country.
ISO 3 Alpha codeiso_3_alpha_codetextThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3-character alphabetical (letter) code used to identify the Country.
ISO Numeric Codeiso_numeric_codenumberThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) numeric code used to identify the Country.
IRS Country Codeirs_country_codetextThe identifying code used by the United States Internal Revenue Service to identify the Country.
Card Origingeocoded_columnpointThe geographical coordinates of the state or country that issued the card presented to Department of Licensing.