Reporting modification claimed v. 2 | Last Updated 13 Jan 2021

This dataset contains a list of all financial affairs disclosures (formerly F1) for the last 12 years including attached schedules. It only includes the most recent submission for a given filing period, not any prior versions for the same reporting period.

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
ididtextUnique identifier for a financial affairs disclosure for a person, for a single reporting period. When a financial affairs disclosure is amended, the id will stay the same.
submission_idsubmission_idtextInternal PDC identifier used for tracking a unique revision (submission) of a financial affairs disclosure. When a financial affairs disclosure is amended, the amendment receives a new id.
report_numberreport_numbertextThe legacy report number for financial affairs disclosures due prior to January 1, 2020.
filer_idfiler_idtextLegacy unique id assigned to a candidate. The filer id is consistent across election years with the exception that an individual running for a second office in the same election year will receive a second filer id. There is no correlation between the two. For non-candidate submissions, this value can be used to correlate legacy records with newer records bit the person_id should be preferred because it is consistent even for filers running for multiple offices in the same year.
person_idperson_idtextThe unique ID assigned to a public office holder or candidate. This id is consistent across years and, offices or candidacies and is the preferred id for grouping submissions by person.
namenametextThe name of the person for whom the financial affairs disclosure was filed.
receipt_datereceipt_datecalendar_dateThe date the financial affairs disclosure was first received. The date received will be the date the disclosure was first received, even if the disclosure is later amended.
period_startperiod_startcalendar_dateThe starting date of the reporting period for the financial disclosure.
period_endperiod_endcalendar_dateThe ending date of the reporting period for the financial disclosure.
jsonjsontextA machine consumable representation of the data submitted to file the financial affairs disclosure. For any records covering reporting period prior to 2019, this field will be empty. This field may also be empty when the statement has been redacted. This may happen when the commission has granted a retroactive reporting modification.
urlurlurlA link to view the financial affairs disclosure or a link providing information on how to request the record when it is not available online. Generally, any financial affairs disclosures due prior to January 1, 2020 are not available online.
certification_namecertification_nametextThe name of the person that certified the submission of the financial affairs disclosure. This may not be the name of the person required to file in the case where someone else has the authority to file on behalf of them.
certification_emailcertification_emailtextThe email address of the person that certified the submission of the financial affairs disclosure. This may not be the name of the person required to file in the case where someone else has the authority to file on behalf of them.
candidaciescandidaciestextA machine consumable representation of the candidacies that the filer declared during the period of this financial affairs disclosure statement.
officesofficestextA machine consumable representation of the offices that the filer held during the period of this financial affairs disclosure statement.
certificationcertificationtextThe statement that was certified at the time of submittal. Records that were submitted prior to January, 2020 do not have this value