Assessor [Archived 05-11-2022] - Sales | Last Updated 11 May 2022

Real estate sales data used by the Cook County Assessor to estimate Fair Cash Values for the purpose of property taxation. Deeds that include multiple PIN numbers are excluded from this data. This data is produced by joining sales data from the Illinois Department of Revenue against incomplete sales data from the Cook County Recorder of Deeds, parsing the resulting data to obtain data unique by deed number, and, in some cases, determining arms' length status of sales.

Tags: cook county assessor, property tax, archive

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PINpintext14-character property identification code
Recorded datesale_datecalendar_dateDate the sale was recorded at the Cook County Recorded of Deeds
Executed dateexecuted_datecalendar_dateDate deed was executed. This field is incomplete due to limited data sharing between the CCAO and CCRD.
Sale pricesale_pricenumberTotal sale amount on the deed. This sometimes includes personal property.
Arms' lengthvalid_salenumberIndicator for whether the CCAO believes this is an arms' length transaction (No, Yes, Unkown; 0, 1, 9)
Validation commentsvalidation_commentstextAnalyst comments on sales validation
Deed numberdoc_nonumberDeed number
Deed typedeed_typetextDeed type
Seller nameseller_nametextSeller listed on deed. This field is incomplete due to limited data sharing between the CCAO and CCRD.
Buyer namebuyer_nametextBuyer listed on deed. This field is incomplete due to limited data sharing between the CCAO and CCRD.
Yeartax_yearnumberYear of recorded date