Historical - ccgisdata - Parcel 2019

datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov | Last Updated 3 Jan 2022

The Parcel 2019 feature contains tax parcel polygons for the 2019 property tax assessment at the County. This feature reflects tax parcel polygons as they existed from 1/1/2019 through 12/31/2019. An ESRI Service is available at: https://hub-cookcountyil.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/3d3375ac11d147308815d5cf4bb43f4e_0

Tags: parcel, parcels, ccgisdata, assessment, inactive

This dataset has the following 26 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PIN10pin10text10 digit parcel number, the first 10 digits of the parcel , often called the base parcel
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of the parcel centroid (within the polygon)
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of the parcel centroid (within the polygon)
MUNICIPALITYmunicipalitytextMunicipality name
MunicipalityFIPSmunicipalityfipstextMunicipality FIPS code
PoliticalTownshippoliticaltownshiptextPolitical Township name
CommissionerDistrictcommissionerdistrictnumberCook County Commissioner district
CongressionalDistrictcongressionaldistrictnumberCongressional district
StateRepresentativeDistrictstaterepresentativedistrictnumberIllinois State Representative district
StateSenateDistrictstatesenatedistrictnumberIllinois State Senate district
TIFDistricttifdistricttextTIF District name, if parcel is within a TIF District
ElemSchlTaxDistelemschltaxdisttextName of the elementary/middle school district the parcel falls within
HighSchlTaxDisthighschltaxdisttextName of the High School district the parcel falls within
UnitSchlTaxDistunitschltaxdisttextName of the Unit School district the parcel falls within
ChicagoWardchicagowardtextCity of Chicago ward number, if parcel is within the City of Chicago
CensusTract_GEOIDcensustract_geoidtextFull Census FIPS code of the tract containing the parcel
AssessorBLDGclassassessorbldgclasstextCodes for classification of REAL property assigned by the Assessor.
AssessorNBHDassessornbhdtextNeighborhoods are based on similar characteristics such as sales and housing type.
Tax codetaxcodetextA tax code is a code which identifies the combination of taxing districts which provide services and levy property taxes to each tax parcel in Cook County.
PARCELTYPEparceltypenumber1-Baseparcel, 2-Elevated, 3-Condominium, 4-NoPIN, 5-ElevatedCondo, 6-Leasehold, 7-ElevatedLeasehold, 8-ROWOverlap, 9-CondominiumLeasehold
PINApinanumberFirst 2 digits of the parcel number, represents the Area number, (Township and Range)
PINSApinsanumberThe 3rd & 4th digits of the parcel number, represents the subarea number (section of an Area)
PINBpinbnumberThe 5th, 6th & 7th digits, represents the Block area of the Parcel as assigned by the Clerks Office.
PINPpinpnumberThe 8th, 9th & 10th digits, that represent a Clerk assigned Parcel number.
PINUpinunumberthe last 4 digits of the 14 digit number. This is usually 0000, except in cases such as individual Condo units and Leasholds. Individual units are not represented by a polygon.