Environmental Control - Asbestos Abatement Permits - 2012 Q3

datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov | Last Updated 1 Jun 2023

From the Department of Environmental Control, a list of Asbestos Abatement Permits for 3Q 2012.

Tags: inactive

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Asbestos Abatement Permit Numberasbestos_abatement_permit_numbertext
Permit Issue Datepermit_issue_datetext
Inspection Feesinspection_feesnumber
Filing Feesfiling_feesnumber
Abatement Start Dateabatement_start_datecalendar_date
Abatement End Dateabatement_end_datecalendar_date
Abatement Contractorabatement_contractortext
Location 1location_1location