State's Attorney Felony Cases - Sentences By Offense Type and Defendant Age | Last Updated 3 Feb 2021

The sentencing data presented in this report reflects the judgement imposed by the court on people that have been found guilty. The data is recorded by count, meaning by each individual cause of action, and each count receives a sentence. Included in this data set are the defendant counts by age and sentence, their associated offense type, and year.

Tags: state's attorney baseline data report, inactive

This dataset has the following 5 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
YEARyearnumberThe year in which the sentencing occurred.
SENTENCING RESULTsentencing_resulttextThe resulting action of a guilty verdict or conviction
OFFENSE TYPEoffense_typetextType of offense for the “Topline” charge. Many cases involve multiple charges stemming from the same incident. On a charging document, these various charges are called “counts.” This data report is based on Count 1 for each case, which is generally the most serious charge in a given case, and is commonly referred to as the “topline charge.”
AGEagenumberAge of the Defendant
DEFENDANT COUNTdefendant_countnumberCount of defendants