Issued Tree Permits | Last Updated 20 Sep 2024

This dataset was created by the City of Austin to compile information regarding all issued Tree Permit folders in AMANDA. The dataset contains information regarding the species, condition, and trunk diameter of the tree. It also includes geographic information like Council District and Jurisdiction Type. These permits are created throughout various review process at the City of Austin. The point dataset contains information regarding active tree permits that were created throughout the City of Austin's review process. Information in this dataset has been retrieved from the City's Application MANagement and Data Automation (AMANDA) database. The dataset contains information on location, permit type, date of issue/expiration, heritage status, species, trunk diameter, condition, reason for request, council district, jurisdiction, associated fee, link to permit, and more.

Tags: construction, development, permit, permitting, review, tree

This dataset has the following 30 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PERMIT_NUMBERpermit_numbertextNumber of permit (including type)
PROJECT_IDproject_idtextID associated with the permit application within the AMANDA database
PERMIT_CLASSpermit_classtextResidential, Commercial, or Public class of permit
PERMIT_ADDRESSpermit_addresstextAddress associated with permit
PROPERTY_IDproperty_idtextID associated with property within the AMANDA database
ISSUED_DATEissued_datecalendar_datedate the permit was issued
EXPIRES_DATEexpires_datecalendar_datedate the permit is set to expire
PERMIT_STATUSpermit_statustextcurrent status of the permit
APPLICATION_TYPEapplication_typetextIs this tree related to a development review process
FEE_REQUIREDfee_requiredcheckboxIs there a fee associated with this permit? (Yes/No)
HERITAGE_TREEheritage_treecheckboxIs this a heritage tree? (Yes/No)
PUBLIC_TREEpublic_treecheckboxIs this tree considered public? (Yes/No)
REMOVAL_OF_REGULATED_TREEremoval_of_regulated_treecheckboxDoes this permit involve removal of a regulated tree? (Yes/No)
ENCROACHMENT_OF_ROOT_ZONEencroachment_of_root_zonecheckboxDoes this permit involve encroaching on the root zone? (Yes/No)
CROWN_REMOVALcrown_removalcheckboxDoes this permit require crown removal? (Yes/No)
SPECIESspeciestextSpecies of associated tree(s)
TRUNK_DIAMETERtrunk_diametertextDiameter of tree trunk
TREE_CONDITIONtree_conditiontextThe condition of tree at time of permit (e.g. dead, good, fair, etc)
REASON_FOR_REQUESTreason_for_requesttextReason for permit request
PROPXpropxnumberLocation information on TX State Plane (X-Value)
PROPYpropynumberLocation information on TX State Plane (Y-Value)
LATITUDElatitudenumberGeographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface, in degrees.
LONGITUDElongitudenumberGeographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface, in degrees
COUNCIL_DISTRICTcouncil_districtnumberCouncil District number for the location of the tree
JURISDICTIONjurisdictiontextThe city jurisdiction (e.g. Full Purpose, ETJ, etc.) of this permit
LINK_TO_DETAILSlink_to_detailsurlMore information to be found on the Austin Build and Connect portal
APPENDIX_F_REMOVEDappendix_f_removednumberSums of diameter trunk inches of trees that appear in the Environmental Criteria Manual Appendix F (table of desirable tree species)
NON_APPENDIX_F_REMOVEDnon_appendix_f_removednumberSums of diameter trunk inches of trees that do not appear in the Environmental Criteria Manual Appendix F (table of desirable tree species) or are considered invasive.
MITIGATIONmitigationnumberThe mitigation inches planted onsite