Strategic Measure_Percentage of residents younger than 65 with no health insurance coverage | Last Updated 15 Aug 2024

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a telephone survey conducted annually by Texas Department of State Health Services to assess a variety of health measures within the state. The survey data assesses whether participants have health insurance coverage and uses that data to provide an estimate of insurance coverage across Travis County residents. The measure used refers to residents who are between 18-64 years of age. View more details and insights related to this data set on the story page:

Tags: austin public health, health, health equity, insurance, public health, sd2023, sd23

This dataset has the following 3 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
YearyeartextYear of survey data
Percent Who Did not have Health insurancepercent_who_did_not_havenumberPrevalence of Travis County residents that did not have health insurance
Date_Timedate_timecalendar_dateThis variable gives a date/time reference for the Strategic Direction measure.