Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Data (Form 54)

datahub.transportation.gov | Last Updated 29 Sep 2024

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Tags: form 54, rail equipment, accident

This dataset has the following 161 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Reporting Railroad CodereportingrailroadcodetextCode of the reporting railroad [Block #1a on Form 6180.54]
Reporting Railroad NamereportingrailroadnametextName of the reporting railroad [Block #1 on Form 6180.54]
YearyeartextReport year
Accident NumberaccidentnumbertextAssigned accident number for the reporting railroad [Block #1b on Form 6180.54]
PDF LinkurlurlPdf readout of the form contents
Accident YearaccidentyeartextYear of accident for reporting railroad [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Accident MonthaccidentmonthtextMonth of accident for reporting railroad [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Other Railroad CodeotherrailroadcodetextCode of the other railroad involved [Block #2a on Form 6180.54]
Other Railroad NameotherrailroadnametextName of the other railroad involved [Block #2 on Form 6180.54]
Other Accident NumberotheraccidentnumbertextAssigned accident number for the other railroad involved [Block #2b on Form 6180.54]
Other Accident YearotheraccidentyeartextYear of accident for other railroad involved [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Other Accident MonthotheraccidentmonthtextMonth of accident for other railroad involved [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Maintenance Railroad CodemaintenancerailroadcodetextCode of the railroad responsible for track maintenance [Block #3a on Form 6180.54]
Maintenance Railroad NamemaintenancerailroadnametextName of the railroad responsible for track maintenance [Block #3 on Form 6180.54]
Maintenance Accident NumbermaintenanceaccidentnumbertextAssigned accident number for the railroad responsible for track maintenance [Block #3b on Form 6180.54]
Maintenance Accident YearmaintenanceaccidentyeartextYear of accident for railroad responsible for track maintenance [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Maintenance Accident MonthmaintenanceaccidentmonthtextMonth of accident for railroad responsible for track maintenance [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
Grade Crossing IDgxidtextGrade crossing ID number [Block #4 on Form 6180.54]
DaydaytextDay of the accident
Datedatecalendar_dateDate of the accident [Block #5 on Form 6180.54]
TimetimetextTime of the accident [Block #6 on Form 6180.54]
Accident Type Codeaccident_type_codetextType of accident code [Block #7 on Form 6180.54]
Accident TypeaccidenttypetextType of accident [Block #7 on Form 6180.54]
Hazmat CarshazmatcarsnumberNumber of hazmat cars involved [Block #8 on Form 6180.54]
Hazmat Cars DamagedhazmatcarsdamagednumberNumber of hazmat cars damaged or derailed [Block #9 on Form 6180.54]
Hazmat Released CarshazmatreleasedcarsnumberNumber of cars that released hazmat [Block #10 on Form 6180.54]
Persons EvacuatedpersonsevacuatednumberNumber of persons evacuated [Block #11 on Form 6180.54]
SubdivisionsubdivisiontextRailroad subdivision [Block #12 on Form 6180.54]
Division CodedivisioncodetextRailroad division code [For accidents occurring June 1, 2011 or later, this field will be blank.]
DivisiondivisiontextRailroad division [For accidents occurring June 1, 2011 or later, this field will be blank.]
StationstationtextNearest city and town [Block #13 on Form 6180.54]
MilepostmileposttextNearest milepost to the accident [Block #14 on Form 6180.54]
State CodestatecodetextFIPS state code [Block #15 on Form 6180.54]
State AbbreviationstateabbrtextTwo letter abbreviation of state [Block #15 on Form 6180.54]
State NamestatenametextName of state
County CodecountycodenumberFIPS county code
County NamecountynametextName of county [Block #16 on Form 6180.54]
DistrictdistricttextFRA assigned geographical district
TemperaturetemperaturenumberTemperature recorded at time of accident [Block #17 on Form 6180.54]
Visibility Codevisibility_codetextVisibility code recorded at time of accident [Block #18 on Form 6180.54]
VisibilityvisibilitytextVisibility recorded at time of accident [Block #18 on Form 6180.54]
Weather Condition Codeweather_condition_codetextWeather condition code recorded at time of accident [Block #19 on Form 6180.54]
Weather ConditionweatherconditiontextWeather condition recorded at time of accident [Block #19 on Form 6180.54]
Track Type Codetrack_type_codetextType of track code [Block #20 on Form 6180.54]
Track TypetracktypetextType of track [Block #20 on Form 6180.54]
Track NametracknametextName of track [Block #21 on Form 6180.54]
Track ClasstrackclasstextFRA Track Class [Block #22 on Form 6180.54]
Track DensitytrackdensitytextAnnual track-density; gross tonnage in millions [Block #23 on Form 6180.54]
Train Direction Codetrain_direction_codetextDirection of train code [Block #24 on Form 6180.54]
Train DirectiontraindirectiontextDirection of train [Block #24 on Form 6180.54]
Equipment Type Codeequipment_type_codetextType of equipment consist code [Block #25 on Form 6180.54]
Equipment TypeequipmenttypetextType of equipment consist [Block #25 on Form 6180.54]
Equipment AttendedequipmentattendedtextYes/No if equipment was attended [Block #26 on Form 6180.54]
Train NumbertrainnumbertextTrain ID number [Block #27 on Form 6180.54]
Train SpeedtrainspeednumberSpeed of train in miles/hour [Block #28 on Form 6180.54]
Recorded Estimated SpeedrecordedestimatedspeedtextRecorded or Estimated train speed [Block #28 on Form 6180.54]
Maximum SpeedmaximumspeednumberMaximum speed reported for equipment involved
Gross TonnagegrosstonnagenumberTrailing tons, gross tonnage, excluding power units [Block #29 on Form 6180.54]
Signalization Codesignalization_codetextType of territory signalization code [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
SignalizationsignalizationtextType of territory signalization code [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Method of Operation Codemethod_of_operation_codetextMethod of operation/Authority for movement code [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Method of OperationmethodofoperationtextMethod of operation/Authority for movement [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Code 1adjunct_code_1textSupplemental/adjacent code found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Name 1adjunctname1textSupplemental/adjacent code name found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Code 2adjunct_code_2textSupplemental/adjacent code found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Name 2adjunctname2textSupplemental/adjacent code name found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Code 3adjunct_code_3textSupplemental/adjacent code found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Adjunct Name 3adjunctname3textSupplemental/adjacent code name found in FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reporting, Appendix J [Block #30 on Form 6180.54]
Remote Control Locomotive Coderemote_control_locomotive_codetextRemote control locomotive code [Block #30a on Form 6180.54]
Remote Control LocomotiveremotecontrollocomotivetextRemote control locomotive [Block #30a on Form 6180.54]
First Car InitialsfirstcarinitialstextInitials of first car involved in accident [Block #31a(1) on Form 6180.54]
First Car NumberfirstcarnumbertextNumber of first car involved in accident [Block #31a(1) on Form 6180.54]
First Car PositionfirstcarpositionnumberPosition of first car involved in accident [Block #31b(1) on Form 6180.54]
First Car LoadedfirstcarloadedtextYes/No if first car was loaded [Block #31c(1) on Form 6180.54]
Causing Car InitialscausingcarinitialstextInitials of causing car of the accident [Block #31a(2) on Form 6180.54]
Causing Car NumbercausingcarnumbertextNumber of causing car of the accident [Block #31a(2) on Form 6180.54]
Causing Car PositioncausingcarpositionnumberPosition of causing car of the accident [Block #31b(2) on Form 6180.54]
Causing Car LoadedcausingcarloadedtextYes/No if causing car was loaded [Block #31c(2) on Form 6180.54]
Positive Alcohol TestspositivealcoholtestsnumberNumber of positive alcohol tests [Block #32 on Form 6180.54]
Positive Drug TestspositivedrugtestsnumberNumber of positive drug tests [Block #32 on Form 6180.54]
Passengers TransportedpassengerstransportedtextYes/No if passengers were being transported [Block #33 on Form 6180.54]
Head End LocomotivesheadendlocomotivesnumberNumber of head end locomotives [Block #34a(1) on Form 6180.54]
Mid Train Manual LocomotivesmidtrainmanuallocomotivesnumberNumber of mid train locomotives, manual [Block #34b(1) on Form 6180.54]
Mid Train Remote LocomotivesmidtrainremotelocomotivesnumberNumber of mid train locomotives, remote [Block #34c(1) on Form 6180.54]
Rear End Manual LocomotivesrearendmanuallocomotivesnumberNumber of rear end locomotives, manual [Block #34d(1) on Form 6180.54]
Rear End Remote LocomotivesrearendremotelocomotivesnumberNumber of rear end locomotives, remote [Block #34e(1) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Head End LocomotivesderailedheadendlocomotivesnumberNumber of derailed head end locomotives [Block #34a(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Mid Train Manual LocomotivesderailedmidtrainmanuallonumberNumber of derailed mid train locomotives, manual [Block #34b(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Mid Train Remote LocomotivesderailedmidtrainremotelonumberNumber of derailed mid train locomotives, remote [Block #34c(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Rear End Manual LocomotivesderailedrearendmanuallocnumberNumber of derailed rear end locomotives, manual [Block #34d(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Rear End Remote LocomotivesderailedrearendremotelocnumberNumber of derailed rear end locomotives, remote [Block #34e(2) on Form 6180.54]
Loaded Freight CarsloadedfreightcarsnumberNumber of loaded freight cars [Block #35a(1) on Form 6180.54]
Loaded Passenger CarsloadedpassengercarsnumberNumber of loaded passenger cars [Block #35b(1) on Form 6180.54]
Empty Freight CarsemptyfreightcarsnumberNumber of empty freight cars [Block #35c(1) on Form 6180.54]
Empty Passenger CarsemptypassengercarsnumberNumber of empty passenger cars [Block #35d(1) on Form 6180.54]
CaboosescaboosesnumberNumber of cabooses [Block #35e(1) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Loaded Freight CarsderailedloadedfreightcarsnumberNumber of derailed loaded freight cars [Block #35a(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Loaded Passenger CarsderailedloadedpassengercarsnumberNumber of derailed loaded passenger cars [Block #35b(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Empty Freight CarsderailedemptyfreightcarsnumberNumber of derailed empty freight cars [Block #35c(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed Empty Passenger CarsderailedemptypassengercarsnumberNumber of derailed empty passenger cars [Block #35d(2) on Form 6180.54]
Derailed CaboosesderailedcaboosesnumberNumber of derailed cabooses [Block #35e(2) on Form 6180.54]
Equipment Damage CostequipmentdamagecostnumberCost of damage to equipment in dollars [Block #36 on Form 6180.54]
Track Damage CosttrackdamagecostnumberCost of damage to the track, signal, way & structure in dollars [Block #37 on Form 6180.54]
Total Damage CosttotaldamagecostnumberTotal cost of accident damage in dollars
Primary Accident Cause CodeprimaryaccidentcausecodetextPrimary cause code of accident [Block #38 on Form 6180.54]
Primary Accident CauseprimaryaccidentcausetextPrimary cause of accident [Block #38 on Form 6180.54]
Contributing Accident Cause CodecontributingaccidentcausecodetextContributing cause code of accident [Block #39 on Form 6180.54]
Contributing Accident CausecontributingaccidentcausetextContributing cause of accident [Block #39 on Form 6180.54]
Accident Cause CodeaccidentcausecodetextAccident cause code from JOINTCD=1 record applied to represent this incident (refer to Appendix C)
Accident CauseaccidentcausetextTotal cause of the accident
Engineers On DutyengineersondutynumberNumber of engineers/operators on duty [Block #40 on Form 6180.54]
Firemen On DutyfiremenondutynumberNumber of firemen on duty [Block #41 on Form 6180.54]
Conductors On DutyconductorsondutynumberNumber of conductors on duty [Block #42 on Form 6180.54]
Brakemen On DutybrakemenondutynumberNumber of brakemen on duty [Block #43 on Form 6180.54]
Hours Engineers On DutyhoursengineersondutynumberNumber of hours engineers/operators were on duty [Block #44 on Form 6180.54]
Minutes Engineers On DutyminutesengineersondutynumberNumber of minutes engineers/operators were on duty [Block #44 on Form 6180.54]
Hours Conductors On DutyhoursconductorsondutynumberNumber of hours conductors were on duty [Block #45 on Form 6180.54]
Minutes Conductors On DutyminutesconductorsondutynumberNumber of minutes conductors were on duty [Block #45 on Form 6180.54]
Railroad Employees KilledrailroademployeeskillednumberNumber of railroad employees killed in the accident [Block #46 on Form 6180.54]
Railroad Employees InjuredrailroademployeesinjurednumberNumber of railroad employees injured in the accident [Block #46 on Form 6180.54]
Passengers KilledpassengerskillednumberNumber of passengers killed in the accident [Block #47 on Form 6180.54]
Passengers InjuredpassengersinjurednumberNumber of passengers injured in the accident [Block #47 on Form 6180.54]
Others KilledotherskillednumberNumber of other people killed in the accident [Block #48 on Form 6180.54]
Others InjuredothersinjurednumberNumber of other people injured in the accident [Block #48 on Form 6180.54]
Reporting Railroad Fatalities for 55areportingrailroadfatalitiesfor55anumberTotal number of people killed in the accident, as reported on the Form 55a. The JOINTCD=1 record contains the total number and other reports contain zero. This is the official fatality count per accident, not per report. There is only one report for each accident containing the sum for all reports for one unique accident. Use this field to sum fatalities in the full Form 54 dataset.
Reporting Railroad Injuries for 55areportingrailroadinjuriesfor55anumberTotal number of people injured in the accident, as reported on the Form 55a. The JOINTCD=1 record contains the total number and other reports contain zero. This is the official injury count per accident, not per report. There is only one report for each accident containing the sum for all reports for one unique accident. Use this field to sum injuries in the full Form 54 dataset.
Total Persons KilledtotalpersonskillednumberTotal number of people killed in the accident as reported on Form 55a. This field contains the total fatalities for all reports filled for the single accident. Use this field to sum fatalities in the unique accident Form 54 dataset, where there is only one report per accident. If this field is used to sum in the full Form 54 dataset, the data will be duplicated.
Total Persons InjuredtotalpersonsinjurednumberTotal number of people injured in the accident as reported on Form 55a. This field contains the total injuries for all reports filled for the single accident. Use this field to sum injuries in the unique accident Form 54 dataset, where there is only one report per accident. If this field is used to sum in the full Form 54 dataset, the data will be duplicated.
Total Killed Form 54totalkilledform54numberTotal killed as reported on Form 54. Do not use this field to sum fatalities.
Total Injured Form 54totalinjuredform54numberTotal injuries as reported on Form 54. Do not use this field to sum injuries.
Special Study 1specialstudy1textType of track accident occured on, CWR or OTH [Block #49a on Form 6180.54]
Special Study 2specialstudy2textAdditional Special Study block [Block #49b on Form 6180.54]
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of the accident [Block #50 on Form 6180.54]
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of the accident [Block #51 on Form 6180.54]
NarrativenarrativetextWritten narrative of the accident [Block #52 on Form 6180.54]
Joint Track TypejointtracktypetextTrack type code from jointcd
Joint Track ClassjointtrackclasstextTrack class code from jointcd
Class CodeclasscodetextRailroad Class Code
ClassclasstextRailroad Class
Joint CDjointcdtextRailroad reporting
Incident KeyincidentkeytextUnique key for the incident
Report KeyreportkeytextUnique key for the report
Reporting Railroad Company Groupingreporting_railroad_company_groupingtext
Reporting Railroad Classreporting_railroad_classtext
Reporting Railroad SMT Groupingreporting_railroad_smt_groupingtext
Reporting Parent Railroad Codereporting_parent_railroad_codetext
Reporting Parent Railroad Namereporting_parent_railroad_nametext
Reporting Railroad Holding Companyreporting_railroad_holding_companytext
Other Railroad Company Groupingother_railroad_company_groupingtext
Other Railroad Classother_railroad_classtext
Other Railroad SMT Groupingother_railroad_smt_groupingtext
Other Parent Railroad Codeother_parent_railroad_codetext
Other Parent Railroad Nameother_parent_railroad_nametext
Other Railroad Holding Companyother_railroad_holding_companytext
Maintenance Railroad Company Groupingmaintenance_railroad_company_groupingtext
Maintenance Railroad Classmaintenance_railroad_classtext
Maintenance Railroad SMT Groupingmaintenance_railroad_smt_groupingtext
Maintenance Parent Railroad Codemaintenance_parent_railroad_codetext
Maintenance Parent Railroad Namemaintenance_parent_railroad_nametext
Maintenance Railroad Holding Companymaintenance_railroad_holding_companytext