2022 NTD Annual Data - Service (by Mode and Time Period)

datahub.transportation.gov | Last Updated 10 Sep 2024

This represents the Service data reported to the NTD by transit agencies to the NTD. In versions of the data tables from before 2014, you can find data on service in the file called "Transit Operating Statistics: Service Supplied and Consumed." If you have any other questions about this table, please contact the NTD Help Desk at NTDHelp@dot.gov.

Tags: transit, service, equity data hub

This dataset has the following 69 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
AgencyagencytextThe transit agency's name.
NTD ID_5_digit_ntd_idtextA five-digit identifying number for each agency used in the current NTD system.
Reporter Typereporter_typetextThe type of NTD report that the agency completed this year.
Organization Typeorganization_typetextDescription of the agency's legal entity.
CitycitytextThe city in which the agency is headquartered.
StatestatetextThe state in which the agency is headquartered.
Report Yearreport_yeartextThe year for which the data was reported.
Agency VOMSagency_vomsnumberThe number of revenue vehicles operated across the whole agency to meet the annual maximum service requirement. This is the revenue vehicle count during the peak season of the year; on the week and day that maximum service is provided. Vehicles operated in maximum service (VOMS) exclude atypical days and one-time special events.
ModemodetextA system for carrying transit passengers described by specific right-of-way (ROW), technology and operational features.
Mode Namemode_nametextA system for carrying transit passengers described by specific right-of-way (ROW), technology and operational features.
Type Of Servicetype_of_servicetextDescribes how public transportation services are provided by the transit agency: directly operated (DO) or purchased transportation (PT) services.
Mode VOMSmode_vomsnumberThe number of revenue vehicles operated by the given mode and type of service to meet the annual maximum service requirement. This is the revenue vehicle count during the peak season of the year; on the week and day that maximum service is provided. Vehicles operated in maximum service (VOMS) exclude atypical days and one-time special events.
Mode VOMS Questionablemode_voms_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
UACE Codeprimary_uza_codenumberUACE Code remains consistent across census years.
UZA Nameprimary_uza_nametextThe name of the agency's Urbanized Area.
Primary UZA Area Sq Milesprimary_uza_area_sq_milesnumberThe agency's Urbanized Area's size in square miles.
Primary UZA Populationprimary_uza_populationnumberThe population of the urbanized area primarily served by the agency.
Service Area Sq Milesservice_area_sq_milesnumberThe agency's service area's size in square miles.
Service Area Populationservice_area_populationnumberThe population of the service area served by the agency.
Time Periodtime_periodtextThe time period for which data was collected.
Time Service Beginstime_service_beginstextThe time at which a particular mode/type of service begins revenue service, presented in a 24-hour format.
Time Service Endstime_service_endstextThe time at which a particular mode/type of service ends revenue service, presented in a 24-hour format.
Actual Vehicle/Passenger Car Milesactual_vehicles_passenger_car_milesnumberThe miles that vehicles/passenger cars travel while in revenue service (actual vehicle revenue miles (VRM)) plus deadhead miles. Actual vehicle miles include: • Revenue service • Deadhead Actual vehicle miles exclude: • Miles for charter services • School bus service • Operator training • Vehicle maintenance testing
Vehicle Miles Questionablevehicle_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Actual Vehicle/Passenger Car Revenue Milesactual_vehicles_passenger_car_revenue_milesnumberThe miles that vehicles/passenger cars travel while in revenue service. Vehicle revenue miles (VRM) include: • Revenue service Actual vehicle revenue miles exclude: • Deadhead • Operator training • Maintenance testing • School bus and charter services
Vehicle Revenue Miles Questionablevehicle_revenue_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Actual Vehicle/ Passenger Deadhead Milesactual_vehicles_passenger_deadhead_milesnumberThe miles that a vehicle/passenger car travels when out of revenue service. Deadhead includes: • Leaving or returning to the garage or yard facility • Changing routes • When there is no expectation of carrying revenue passengers However, deadhead does not include: • Charter service • School bus service • Travel to fueling facilities • Travel to maintenance facilities • Operator training • Maintenance testing
Deadhead Miles Questionabledeadhead_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Scheduled Vehicle/Passenger Car Revenue Milesscheduled_vehicles_passenger_car_revenue_milesnumberThe total service scheduled to be provided for picking up and discharging passengers. Scheduled service is computed from internal transit agency planning documents (e.g., run paddles, trip tickets, and public timetables). Scheduled service excludes special additional services.
Scheduled Revenue Miles Questionablescheduled_revenue_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Actual Vehicles/ Passenger Car Hoursactual_vehicles_passenger_car_hoursnumberThe hours that vehicles/passenger cars travel while in revenue service plus deadhead hours. Actual vehicle hours include: • Revenue service • Deadhead • Layover/recovery time Actual vehicle hours exclude: • Hours for charter service • School bus service • Operator training • Vehicle maintenance testing
Vehicle Hours Questionablevehicle_hours_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Actual Vehicle/Passenger Car Revenue Hoursactual_vehicles_passenger_car_revenue_hoursnumberThe hours that vehicles/passenger cars travel while in revenue service. Vehicle revenue hours (VRH) include: • Revenue service • Layover/recovery time Actual vehicle revenue hours exclude: • Deadhead • Operator training • Maintenance testing • School bus and charter services
Vehicle Revenue Hours Questionablevehicle_revenue_hours_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Actual Vehicle/Passenger Car Deadhead Hoursactual_vehicles_passenger_car_deadhead_hoursnumberThe hours that a vehicle/passenger car travels when out of revenue service. Deadhead includes: • Leaving or returning to the garage or yard facility • Changing routes • When there is no expectation of carrying revenue passengers However, deadhead does not include: • Charter service • School bus service • Travel to fueling facilities • Travel to maintenance facilities • Operator training • Maintenance testing
Deadhead Hours Questionabledeadhead_hours_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Charter Service Hourscharter_service_hoursnumberHours run in charter service.
School Bus Hoursschool_bus_hoursnumberHours run in school bus service.
Trains In Operationtrains_in_operationnumberThe maximum number of trains actually operated to provide service during the year.
Trains in Operation Questionabletrains_in_operation_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Train Milestrain_milesnumberThe miles that trains travel while in revenue service (actual vehicle revenue miles (VRM)) plus deadhead miles. Train miles include: • Revenue service • Deadhead Train miles exclude: • Miles for charter services • Operator training • Vehicle maintenance testing
Train Miles Questionabletrain_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Train Revenue Milestrain_revenue_milesnumberThe miles that trains travel while in revenue service. Train revenue miles include: • Revenue service Train revenue miles exclude: • Deadhead • Operator training • Maintenance testing • Charter services
Train Revenue Miles Questionabletrain_revenue_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Train Deadhead Milestrain_deadhead_milesnumberThe miles that a train travels when out of revenue service. Deadhead includes: • Leaving or returning to the garage or yard facility • Changing routes • When there is no expectation of carrying revenue passengers However, deadhead does not include: • Charter service • School bus service • Travel to fueling facilities • Travel to maintenance facilities • Operator training • Maintenance testing
Train Hourstrain_hoursnumberThe hours that trains travel while in revenue service plus deadhead hours. Train hours include: • Revenue service • Deadhead • Layover/recovery time Train hours exclude: • Hours for charter service • Operator training • Vehicle maintenance testing
Train Hours Questionabletrain_hours_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Train Revenue Hourstrain_revenue_hoursnumberThe hours that trains travel while in revenue service. Train revenue hours include: • Revenue service • Layover/recovery time Train revenue hours exclude: • Deadhead • Operator training • Maintenance testing • Charter services
Train Revenue Hours Questionabletrain_revenue_hours_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Train Deadhead Hourstrain_deadhead_hoursnumberThe hours that a train travels when out of revenue service. Deadhead includes: • Leaving or returning to the garage or yard facility • Changing routes • When there is no expectation of carrying revenue passengers However, deadhead does not include: • Charter service • School bus service • Travel to fueling facilities • Travel to maintenance facilities • Operator training • Maintenance testing
Unlinked Passenger Trips (UPT)unlinked_passenger_trips_uptnumberThe number of passengers who board public transportation vehicles. Passengers are counted each time they board a vehicle no matter how many vehicles they use to travel from their origin to their destination.
Unlinked Passenger Trips Questionableunlinked_passenger_trips_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
ADA UPTada_uptnumberUnlinked Passenger Trips embarked per stipulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Sponsored Service UPTsponsored_service_uptnumberUnlinked Passenger Trips embarked under sponsored service.
Passenger Miles Traveledpassenger_milesnumberThe cumulative sum of the distances ridden by each passenger.
Passenger Miles Questionablepassenger_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Directional Route Milesdirectional_route_milesnumberThe mileage in each direction over which public transportation vehicles travel while in revenue service. Directional route miles (DRM) are: • A measure of the route path over a facility or roadway, not the service carried on the facility; e.g., number of routes, vehicles, or vehicle revenue miles. • Computed with regard to direction of service, but without regard to the number of traffic lanes or rail tracks existing in the right-of-way (ROW). Directional route miles (DRM) do not include staging or storage areas at the beginning or end of a route.
Directional Route Miles Questionabledirectional_route_miles_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
BRT Non-Statutory Mixed Trafficbrt_non_statutory_mixed_trafficnumberMiles of roadway used by Bus Rapid Transit routes that are not recognized by FTA as Bus Rapid Transit for funding purposes.
Mixed Traffic Right-of-Waymixed_traffic_right_of_waynumberRoadways other than exclusive and controlled access rights-of-way (ROW) used for transit operations that are mixed with pedestrian and/or vehicle traffic. Does not include guideways that have only grade crossings with vehicular traffic.
Days Of Service Operateddays_of_service_operatednumberDays of revenue service within the fiscal year.
Days Not Operated - Strikesdays_not_operated_strikesnumberDays of revenue service not operated due to strikes.
Days Not Operated - Emergenciesdays_not_operated_emergenciesnumberDays of revenue service not operated due to emergencies.
Average Revenue Speedaverage_speednumberThe average speed of a vehicle/passenger car during revenue service.
Average Revenue Speed Questionableaverage_speed_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Average Passenger Trip Length (APTL)average_passenger_trip_length_aptl_numberThe average distance ridden by each passenger in a single trip, computed as passenger miles traveled (PMT) divided by unlinked passenger trips (UPT). May be determined by sampling, or calculated based on actual data.
APTL Questionableaptl_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.
Passengers per Vehicle Revenue Hourpassengers_per_hournumberThe average number of passengers to board a vehicle/passenger car in one hour of service. For trains, this applies to passengers per hour on a single train car.
Passengers per Hour Questionablepassengers_per_hour_questionabletextFTA marks a data point as Questionable when there is reason to believe it is incorrect, but the reporting agency has been unable to correct the data or offer an explanation for its anomalous appearance.