International_Report_Passengers | Last Updated 18 Aug 2020

All nonstop commercial passenger traffic traveling between international points and U.S. airports.

Tags: international passengers, international freight, office of aviation analysis, aviation, international air passengers and freight

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
data_dtedata_dtecalendar_dateData Date
YearyearnumberData Year
MonthmonthnumberData Month
usg_apt_idusg_apt_idnumberUS Gateway Airport ID - assigned by US DOT to identify an airport
usg_aptusg_apttextUS Gateway Airport Code - usually assigned by IATA, but in absence of IATA designation, may show FAA-assigned code
usg_wacusg_wacnumberUS Gateway World Area Code - assigned by US DOT to represent a geographic territory
fg_apt_idfg_apt_idnumberForeign Gateway Airport ID - assigned by US DOT to identify an airport
fg_aptfg_apttextForeign Gateway Airport Code - usually assigned by IATA, but in absense of IATA designation, may show FAA-assigned code
fg_wacfg_wacnumberForeign Gateway World Area Code - assigned by US DOT to represent a geographic territory
airlineidairlineidnumberAirline ID - assigned by US DOT to identify an air carrier
carriercarriertextIATA-assigned air carrier code. If carrier has no IATA code, ICAO- or FAA-assigned code may be used
carriergroupcarriergroupnumberCarrier Group Code - 1 denotes US domestic air carriers, 0 denotes foreign air carriers
typetypetextDefines the type of the four metrics in this report
ScheduledschedulednumberMetric flown by scheduled service operations
ChartercharternumberMetric flown by charter operations
TotaltotalnumberTotal Metric flown by scheduled service and charter operations