Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Infuence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-Recode File

datahub.usaid.gov | Last Updated 12 Jul 2024

This dataset contains the analytical variables derived in the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index WEAI analysis. It is part of the 2015 Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence. The survey was designed to monitor program performance by periodic assessments of a number of standardized indicators. A total of 1,021 households were interviewed, which provided data for the target sample size of 1,007 households and ensured the sample is representative of the seven districts covered in the interim assessment. The unique identifiers in this individual-level file are pbs_id + idcode.

Tags: malawi, zone of influence, interim assessment, nutrition

This dataset has the following 168 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
countrycountrytextThese data were collected in Malawi
surveysurveytextTwo surveys were administered. This variable identifies whether the survey was the Interim Feed the Future survey or the Baseline Food for Peace survey.
zoizoitextWas the data collected by Westat or ICF?
clusterclusternumberCluster number
projectprojecttextIdentifies whether the record is used to report on Feed the Future (FTF), Food for Peace (FFP), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), or Project Concern International (PCI) programming. Due to coordinated survey collection, the same record may be used to evalu
pbs_idpbs_idnumberAdministrative variable for identifying households
subgroup3subgroup3checkboxThe 7-district FTF FEEDBACK ZOI which will include district level data from rural areas only of Michinji, Lilongwe, Dedza, Mangochi, Ntcheu, Balaka, Machinga.
strata3strata3textStratification for subgroup 3
urbrururbrurtextLocation type (urban rural)
ghhtghhttextDerived gendered household type
todaytodaytextThe day of interview as a string variable, MM-DD-YYYY
weai_wt3weai_wt3numberIndividual sampling weight for primary female decisionmakers. This weight should be used for analyzing subgroup 3.
weaisampleweaisampletextThis variable indicates whether a record is included in the WEAI. The measure identifies records where all WEAI indicators have a non-missing value.
partact_apartact_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_A. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partact_bpartact_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_B. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partact_cpartact_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_C. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partact_dpartact_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_D. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partact_epartact_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_E. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partact_fpartact_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G201_F. It is coded as 1 if the individual participated in the ACTIVITY within the past 12 months. It is coded 0 otherwise. Those who do not know, refuse, or have missing data are treated as missing on this recoded measure.
partactpartactnumberThis variable is number of activities listed in Module G2 in which the individual directly participates.
partactagrpartactagrnumberThis variable is number of agriculture activities listed in Module G2 in which the individual directly participates.
inputdec_ainputdec_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_A. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
inputdec_binputdec_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_B. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
inputdec_cinputdec_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_C. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
inputdec_dinputdec_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_D. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
inputdec_einputdec_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_E. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
inputdec_finputdec_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G202_F. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or all decisions (3). Tho
incomedec_aincomedec_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_A. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
incomedec_bincomedec_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_B. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
incomedec_cincomedec_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_C. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
incomedec_dincomedec_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_D. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
incomedec_eincomedec_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_E. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
incomedec_fincomedec_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G203_F. The variable indicates that an individual has decisionmaking ability over income generated from ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the individual if the individual has input into some decisions (2) or input into most or a
feelmakedec_afeelmakedec_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_A, G502_A. The variable represents whether the woman makes decisions or feels that she could make decisions regarding ACTIVITY . It is coded as 1 if the woman is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the woma
feelmakedec_bfeelmakedec_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_B, G502_B. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelmakedec_cfeelmakedec_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_C, G502_C. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelmakedec_dfeelmakedec_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_D, G502_D. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelmakedec_efeelmakedec_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_E, G502_E. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelmakedec_ffeelmakedec_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_F, G502_F. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelmakedec_gfeelmakedec_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G501_G, G502_G. It is coded as 1 if the individual is the sole person who makes decisions (G5.01) or if the individual feels that they could make a decision (G5.02) regarding ACTIVITY . The individual is counted as feeling th
feelinputdecagr_sumfeelinputdecagr_sumnumberThis variable is the sum variables feelmakedec_a, feelmakedec_b, feelmakedec_c, feelmakedec_d, inputdec_a, inputdec_b, inputdec_c, inputdec_f. It shows the number of agricultural domains in which the individual has some input in decisions or feels that s
feelinputdecagrfeelinputdecagrtextThis is the indicator value for the input into productive decisions. It indicates adequate achieve if there are AT LEAST TWO domains in which an individual has some input in decisions, makes the decision, or feels he she could make it if he she wanted. Th
incomedec_sumincomedec_sumnumberThis variable is the sum variables incomedec_a, incomedec_b, incomedec_c, incomedec_d, incomedec_e, incomedec_f, feelmakedec_e, feelmakedec_f, feelmakedec_g. It shows the number of domains in which the individual has some input in income decisions or fee
incdec_countincdec_counttextThis is the indicator for the control over income. It is a recode of incomedec_sum and indicates that the individual has some input into decisions made about incomes or feels that he she can make a decision about finances as long as the decision is not
own_aown_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_A. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
own_bown_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_B. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
own_cown_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_C. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
own_down_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_D. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
own_eown_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_E. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
own_fown_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_F. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
own_gown_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_G. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
own_hown_hcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_H. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Nonfarm business equipment (Country-specific examples)
own_iown_icheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_I. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM House or other structures
own_jown_jcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_J. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Large consumer durables (Country-specific examples)
own_kown_kcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_K. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Small consumer durables (Country-specific examples)
own_lown_lcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_L. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Cell phone
own_mown_mcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_M. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Other land not used for agricultural purposes (Country-specific examples)
own_nown_ncheckboxThis variable is a recode of G301A_N. It indicates that the household owns the ITEM . ITEM Means of transportation (Country-specific examples)
own_sumown_sumnumberThis variable is the sum of all listed items that someone in the household owns.
ownagr_sumownagr_sumnumberThis variable is the sum of all agriculture items, A-G, that someone in the household owns.
selfjointown_aselfjointown_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_A. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_bselfjointown_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_B. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_cselfjointown_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_C. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_dselfjointown_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_D. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointown_eselfjointown_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_E. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointown_fselfjointown_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_F. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_gselfjointown_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_G. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_hselfjointown_hcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_H. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Nonfarm business equipment (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_iselfjointown_icheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_I. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM House or other structures
selfjointown_jselfjointown_jcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_J. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large consumer durables (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_kselfjointown_kcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_K. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small consumer durables (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_lselfjointown_lcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_L. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Cell phone
selfjointown_mselfjointown_mcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_M. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Other land not used for agricultural purposes (Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_nselfjointown_ncheckboxThis variable is a recode of G302_N. It indicates that the individual owns most of the ITEM either solely or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Means of transportation (Country-specific examples)
selfjointsell_aselfjointsell_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_A. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointsell_bselfjointsell_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_B. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointsell_cselfjointsell_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_C. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointsell_dselfjointsell_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_D. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointsell_eselfjointsell_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_E. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointsell_fselfjointsell_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_F. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointsell_gselfjointsell_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G303_G. It indicates that the individual can decide to sell the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointgive_aselfjointgive_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_A. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointgive_bselfjointgive_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_B. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointgive_cselfjointgive_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_C. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointgive_dselfjointgive_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_D. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointgive_eselfjointgive_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_E. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointgive_fselfjointgive_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_F. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointgive_gselfjointgive_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G304_G. It indicates that the individual can decide to give away the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointrent_aselfjointrent_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_A. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrent_bselfjointrent_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_B. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrent_cselfjointrent_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_C. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrent_dselfjointrent_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_D. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointrent_eselfjointrent_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_E. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointrent_fselfjointrent_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_F. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointrent_gselfjointrent_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G305_G. It indicates that the individual can decide to rent the ITEM either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointbuy_aselfjointbuy_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_A. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointbuy_bselfjointbuy_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_B. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointbuy_cselfjointbuy_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_C. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointbuy_dselfjointbuy_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_D. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointbuy_eselfjointbuy_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_E. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointbuy_fselfjointbuy_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_F. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointbuy_gselfjointbuy_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G306_G. It indicates that the individual can decide to buy additional ITEM s either individually or jointly with others individuals. ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointrightany_aselfjointrightany_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_a, selfjointgive_a, selfjointrent_a, and selfjointbuy_a. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Agricultural land (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrightany_bselfjointrightany_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_b, selfjointgive_b, selfjointrent_b, and selfjointbuy_b. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Large livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrightany_cselfjointrightany_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_c, selfjointgive_c, selfjointrent_c, and selfjointbuy_c. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Small livestock (Country-specific examples)
selfjointrightany_dselfjointrightany_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_d, selfjointgive_d, selfjointrent_d, and selfjointbuy_d. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
selfjointrightany_eselfjointrightany_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_e, selfjointgive_e, selfjointrent_e, and selfjointbuy_e. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
selfjointrightany_fselfjointrightany_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_f, selfjointgive_f, selfjointrent_f, and selfjointbuy_f. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointrightany_gselfjointrightany_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of selfjointsell_g, selfjointgive_g, selfjointrent_g, and selfjointbuy_g. It means that the respondent has AT LEAST ONE right over the ITEM . ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: Country-specific examples)
selfjointown_sumselfjointown_sumnumberThis variable is a recode of the selfjointown_ variables. The variables are summed to indicate the number of assets that the individual owns individually and jointly.
jown_countjown_counttextThis variable is the indicator for asset ownership. An individual is adequate if he she owns at leas two small assets (chicken, farming equipment non-mechanized, and small consumer durables) or one large asset. This measure is based on the selfjointown_s
selfjointrightanyagr_sumselfjointrightanyagr_sumnumberThis variable is a recode of selfjointrightany_a, selfjointrightany_b, selfjointrightany_c, selfjointrightany_d, selfjointrightany_e, selfjointrightany_f, and selfjointrightany_g. This variable is the number of assets in which the individual has the decis
jrightanyagrjrightanyagrtextThis variable is a recode of selfjointrightany_a, selfjointrightany_b, selfjointrightany_c, selfjointrightany_d, selfjointrightany_e, selfjointrightany_f, and selfjointrightany_g. This variable is the indicator for the purchase, sale, or transfer of asset
creditaccess_acreditaccess_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G307_A. The variable indicates that someone in the household has taken loans or borrowed cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
creditaccess_bcreditaccess_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G307_B. The variable indicates that someone in the household has taken loans or borrowed cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Informal lender
creditaccess_ccreditaccess_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G307_C. The variable indicates that someone in the household has taken loans or borrowed cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
creditaccess_dcreditaccess_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G307_D. The variable indicates that someone in the household has taken loans or borrowed cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Friends or relatives
creditaccess_ecreditaccess_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G307_E. The variable indicates that someone in the household has taken loans or borrowed cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including VSLAs SACCOs merry-go-rounds
creditaccesscreditaccessnumberThis variable indicates the number of sources of credit that the household has taken
creditselfjointborrow_acreditselfjointborrow_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G308_A. The variable indicates that the individual contributed to the decision to take the credit from SOURCE . SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
creditselfjointborrow_bcreditselfjointborrow_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G308_B. The variable indicates that the individual contributed to the decision to take the credit from SOURCE . SOURCE Informal lender
creditselfjointborrow_ccreditselfjointborrow_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G308_C. The variable indicates that the individual contributed to the decision to take the credit from SOURCE . SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
creditselfjointborrow_dcreditselfjointborrow_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G308_D. The variable indicates that the individual contributed to the decision to take the credit from SOURCE . SOURCE Friends or relatives
creditselfjointborrow_ecreditselfjointborrow_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G308_E. The variable indicates that the individual contributed to the decision to take the credit from SOURCE . SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including VSLAs SACCOs merry-go-rounds
creditselfjointuse_acreditselfjointuse_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G309_A. The variable indicates the individual contributes to the decisions about how to use the cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
creditselfjointuse_bcreditselfjointuse_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G309_B. The variable indicates the individual contributes to the decisions about how to use the cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Informal lender
creditselfjointuse_ccreditselfjointuse_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G309_C. The variable indicates the individual contributes to the decisions about how to use the cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
creditselfjointuse_dcreditselfjointuse_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G309_D. The variable indicates the individual contributes to the decisions about how to use the cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Friends or relatives
creditselfjointuse_ecreditselfjointuse_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G309_E. The variable indicates the individual contributes to the decisions about how to use the cash and or in-kind resources from SOURCE SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including VSLAs SACCOs merry-go-rou
creditselfjointanydec_acreditselfjointanydec_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of creditselfjointborrow_a and creditselfjointuse_a. This variable indicates that the individual has been involved in decisionmaking on the credit taken from SOURCE . SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
creditselfjointanydec_bcreditselfjointanydec_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of creditselfjointborrow_b, creditselfjointuse_b. This variable indicates that the individual has been involved in decisionmaking on the credit taken from SOURCE . SOURCE Informal lender
creditselfjointanydec_ccreditselfjointanydec_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of creditselfjointborrow_c, creditselfjointuse_c. This variable indicates that the individual has been involved in decisionmaking on the credit taken from SOURCE . SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
creditselfjointanydec_dcreditselfjointanydec_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of creditselfjointborrow_d, creditselfjointuse_d. This variable indicates that the individual has been involved in decisionmaking on the credit taken from SOURCE . SOURCE Friends or relatives
creditselfjointanydec_ecreditselfjointanydec_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of creditselfjointborrow_e, creditselfjointuse_e. This variable indicates that the individual has been involved in decisionmaking on the credit taken from SOURCE . SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including VSLAs
credjanydec_anycredjanydec_anytextThis is the indicator for access to and decisions on credit. The individual is adequate if he she makes decisions regarding at least one source of credit and if he she has at least one source of credit.
speakpublic_g401speakpublic_g401checkboxThis variable is a recode of G401. The variable indicates that the individual is comfortable or can speak with some difficulty in public to help decide on infrastructure
speakpublic_g402speakpublic_g402checkboxThis variable is a recode of G402. The variable indicates that the individual is comfortable or can speak with some difficulty in public to ensure proper payment of wages for public works.
speakpublic_g403speakpublic_g403checkboxThis variable is a recode of G403. The variable indicates that the individual is comfortable or can speak with some difficulty in public to protest misbehavior of authorities.
speakpublic_anyspeakpublic_anytextThis is the speaking in public indicator. The variable indicates that the individual is comfortable speaking in public in at least one context.
knowsofgrp_aknowsofgrp_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_A. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Agricultural livestock fisheri
knowsofgrp_bknowsofgrp_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_B. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Water users group
knowsofgrp_cknowsofgrp_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_C. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Forest users group
knowsofgrp_dknowsofgrp_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_D. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Credit or microfinance group (
knowsofgrp_eknowsofgrp_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_E. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Mutual help or insurance group
knowsofgrp_fknowsofgrp_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_F. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Trade and business association
knowsofgrp_gknowsofgrp_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_G. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Civic groups (improving commun
knowsofgrp_hknowsofgrp_hcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_H. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Local government
knowsofgrp_iknowsofgrp_icheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_I. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Religious group
knowsofgrp_jknowsofgrp_jcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_J. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Other women s group
knowsofgrp_kknowsofgrp_kcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G404_K. The variable indicates that the respondent knows of this type of group in their community. Women who respond No or indicate that they do not know are coded as a 0 on this measure. GROUP Any other group or organizatio
groupmember_agroupmember_acheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_A. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_bgroupmember_bcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_B. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_cgroupmember_ccheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_C. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_dgroupmember_dcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_D. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_egroupmember_echeckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_E. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_fgroupmember_fcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_F. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_ggroupmember_gcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_G. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_hgroupmember_hcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_H. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_igroupmember_icheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_I. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_jgroupmember_jcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_J. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_kgroupmember_kcheckboxThis variable is a recode of G405_K. This variable indicates that the respondent is an active member of the community group. Those who do not have this type of group in their community, don t know whether this type of group exists within their community,
groupmember_anygroupmember_anytextThis variable is the indicator for group member. It identifies women who are an active member of at least 1 community group as adequate. Women who are not a member of at least one community group are considered inadequate.
primeworkminprimeworkminnumberThis is the number (in minutes) of primary work activities.
secworkminsecworkminnumberThis is the number (in minutes) of secondary work activities.
totalworkmintotalworkminnumberThis is the number of minutes spent working, primeworkmin 0.5 secworkmin.
npoor_z105npoor_z105checkboxThis variable is the indicator for a suitable workload. It identifies women whose combined total of primary and secondary work time is less than or equal to 10.5 hours. Women who work more than 10.5 hours in the prior day are considered inadequate.
leisuretimeleisuretimetextThis variable is the indicator for sufficient leisure time. The variables identifies women who are not dissatisfied with their leisure time as adequate, and women who are dissatisfied as inadequate. Satisfaction defined as a score of 5 or higher on the 1-
idcodeidcodenumberWoman s ID code