Feed the Future Rwanda Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-File 1

datahub.usaid.gov | Last Updated 12 Jul 2024

Feed the Future Rwanda Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=998, var=162) is the first of two datasets needed to calculate the WEAI-related measures. It contains Module G data from the primary adult (18+) female decisionmaker within each household (for the sub-sample of households with a primary adult female decisionmaker).

Tags: rwanda, zone of influence, interim assessment, nutrition

This dataset has the following 162 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
countrycountrytextThese data were collected in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence in Rwanda.
surveysurveytextThese data were collected in the 2015 Interim Zone of Influence Survey.
clusterclusternumberCluster number
stratumstratumnumberAdministrative variable for identifying the strata of sampling designs. Unstratified samples have a constant value of 1.
urbrururbrurtextLocation type (urban rural)
pbs_idpbs_idnumberAdministrative variable for identifying households
weai_wtweai_wtnumberIndividual sampling weight for primary female decisionmakers
g104g104textAbility to be interviewed alone
g105_mg105_mtextIn what month and year were you born? Month
g105_yg105_ynumberIn what month and year were you born? Year
g106g106numberPlease tell me how old you are. What was your age at your last birthday?
g107g107checkboxAre you 18 years old or older?
g108g108checkboxinterviewer determined: Is the respondent 18 years old or older?
g109g109textAre you currently living together with a man as if married?
g110g110textHave you ever been married or lived together with a man as if married?
g111g111textWhat is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced or separated?
g201_ag201_acheckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Food crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for household food consumption
g202_ag202_atextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Food crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for household food consumption
g203_ag203_atextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Food crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for household food consumption
g201_bg201_bcheckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Cash crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for sale in market
g202_bg202_btextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Cash crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for sale in market
g203_bg203_btextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Cash crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for sale in market
g201_cg201_ccheckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Livestock raising
g202_cg202_ctextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Livestock raising
g203_cg203_ctextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Livestock raising
g201_dg201_dcheckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Non-farm economic activities: This would include things like running a small business, self-employment, buy-and-sell
g202_dg202_dtextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Non-farm economic activities: This would include things like running a small business, self-employment, buy-and-sell
g203_dg203_dtextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Non-farm economic activities: This would include things like running a small business, self-employment, buy-and-sell
g201_eg201_echeckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Wage and salary employment: This could be work that is paid for in cash or in-kind, including both agriculture and other wage work
g202_eg202_etextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Wage and salary employment: This could be work that is paid for in cash or in-kind, including both agriculture and other wage work
g203_eg203_etextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Wage and salary employment: This could be work that is paid for in cash or in-kind, including both agriculture and other wage work
g201_fg201_fcheckboxDid you yourself participate in ACTIVITY in the past 12 months (that is, during the last two cropping seasons)? ACTIVITY Fishing or fishpond culture
g202_fg202_ftextHow much input did you have in making decisions about ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Fishing or fishpond culture
g203_fg203_ftextHow much input did you have in decisions on the use of income generated from ACTIVITY ? ACTIVITY Fishing or fishpond culture
g301a_ag301a_acheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g301b_ag301b_atextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g302_ag302_atextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g303_ag303_atextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g304_ag304_atextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g305_ag305_atextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g306_ag306_atextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Agricultural land (plots)
g301a_bg301a_bcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g301b_bg301b_btextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g302_bg302_btextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g303_bg303_btextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g304_bg304_btextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g305_bg305_btextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g306_bg306_btextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
g301a_cg301a_ccheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g301b_cg301b_ctextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g302_cg302_ctextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g303_cg303_ctextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g304_cg304_ctextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g305_cg305_ctextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g306_cg306_ctextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
g301a_dg301a_dcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g301b_dg301b_dnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g302_dg302_dtextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g303_dg303_dtextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g304_dg304_dtextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g305_dg305_dtextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g306_dg306_dtextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigeons
g301a_eg301a_echeckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g301b_eg301b_etextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g302_eg302_etextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g303_eg303_etextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g304_eg304_etextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g305_eg305_etextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g306_eg306_etextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Fish pond or fishing equipment
g301a_fg301a_fcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g301b_fg301b_fnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g302_fg302_ftextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g303_fg303_ftextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g304_fg304_ftextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g305_fg305_ftextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g306_fg306_ftextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn ploughs)
g301a_gg301a_gcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g301b_gg301b_gtextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g302_gg302_gtextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g303_gg303_gtextWho would you say can decide whether to sell ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g304_gg304_gtextWho would you say can decide whether to give away ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g305_gg305_gtextWho would you say can decide to mortgage or rent out ITEM most of the time? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g306_gg306_gtextWho contributes most to decisions regarding a new purchase of ITEM ? ITEM Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-drawn plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
g301a_hg301a_hcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Nonfarm business equipment (solar panels used for recharging, sewing machine, brewing equipment, fryers)
g301b_hg301b_hnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Nonfarm business equipment (solar panels used for recharging, sewing machine, brewing equipment, fryers)
g302_hg302_htextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Nonfarm business equipment (solar panels used for recharging, sewing machine, brewing equipment, fryers)
g301a_ig301a_icheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM House or other structures
g301b_ig301b_itextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM House or other structures
g302_ig302_itextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM House or other structures
g301a_jg301a_jtextDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Large consumer durables (refrigerator, TV, sofa)
g301b_jg301b_jnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Large consumer durables (refrigerator, TV, sofa)
g302_jg302_jtextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Large consumer durables (refrigerator, TV, sofa)
g301a_kg301a_kcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Small consumer durables (radio)
g301b_kg301b_knumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Small consumer durables (radio)
g302_kg302_ktextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Small consumer durables (radio)
g301a_lg301a_lcheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Cell phone
g301b_lg301b_lnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Cell phone
g302_lg302_ltextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Cell phone
g301a_mg301a_mtextDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Other land not used for agricultural purposes (pieces plots, residential or commercial land)
g301b_mg301b_mtextHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Other land not used for agricultural purposes (pieces plots, residential or commercial land)
g302_mg302_mtextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Other land not used for agricultural purposes (pieces plots, residential or commercial land)
g301a_ng301a_ncheckboxDoes anyone in your household currently have any ITEM ? ITEM Means of transportation (bicycle, motorcycle, car)
g301b_ng301b_nnumberHow many of ITEM does your household currently have? ITEM Means of transportation (bicycle, motorcycle, car)
g302_ng302_ntextWho would you say owns most of the ITEM ? ITEM Means of transportation (bicycle, motorcycle, car)
g307_ag307_atextHas anyone in your household taken any loans or borrowed cash in-kind from SOURCE in the past 12 months? SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
g308_ag308_atextWho made the decision to borrow from SOURCE ? SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
g309_ag309_atextWho makes the decision about what to do with the money item borrowed from SOURCE ? SOURCE Non-governmental organization (NGO)
g307_bg307_btextHas anyone in your household taken any loans or borrowed cash in-kind from SOURCE in the past 12 months? SOURCE Informal lender
g308_bg308_btextWho made the decision to borrow from SOURCE ? SOURCE Informal lender
g309_bg309_btextWho makes the decision about what to do with the money item borrowed from SOURCE ? SOURCE Informal lender
g307_cg307_ctextHas anyone in your household taken any loans or borrowed cash in-kind from SOURCE in the past 12 months? SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
g308_cg308_ctextWho made the decision to borrow from SOURCE ? SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
g309_cg309_ctextWho makes the decision about what to do with the money item borrowed from SOURCE ? SOURCE Formal lender (bank financial institution)
g307_dg307_dtextHas anyone in your household taken any loans or borrowed cash in-kind from SOURCE in the past 12 months? SOURCE Friends or relatives
g308_dg308_dtextWho made the decision to borrow from SOURCE ? SOURCE Friends or relatives
g309_dg309_dtextWho makes the decision about what to do with the money item borrowed from SOURCE ? SOURCE Friends or relatives
g307_eg307_etextHas anyone in your household taken any loans or borrowed cash in-kind from SOURCE in the past 12 months? SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including Village Savings and Loan Associations, Savings and Credit Co-operatives, or merry-go-rounds
g308_eg308_etextWho made the decision to borrow from SOURCE ? SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including Village Savings and Loan Associations, Savings and Credit Co-operatives, or merry-go-rounds
g309_eg309_etextWho makes the decision about what to do with the money item borrowed from SOURCE ? SOURCE Group based micro-finance or lending including Village Savings and Loan Associations, Savings and Credit Co-operatives, or merry-go-rounds
g401g401textDo you feel comfortable speaking up in public to help decide on infrastructure (like small wells, roads, water supplies) to be built in your community?
g402g402textDo you feel comfortable speaking up in public to ensure proper payment of wages for public works or other similar programs?
g403g403textDo you feel comfortable speaking up in public to protest the misbehavior of authorities or elected officials?
g404_ag404_atextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Agricultural livestock fisheries producer s group (including marketing groups)
g405_ag405_acheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Agricultural livestock fisheries producer s group (including marketing groups)
g404_bg404_btextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Water users group
g405_bg405_bcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Water users group
g404_cg404_ctextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Forest users group
g405_cg405_ccheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Forest users group
g404_dg404_dtextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Credit or microfinance group including Village Savings and Loan Associations, Savings and Credit Co-operatives, or merry-go-rounds
g405_dg405_dcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Credit or microfinance group including Village Savings and Loan Associations, Savings and Credit Co-operatives, or merry-go-rounds
g404_eg404_etextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Mutual help or insurance group (including burial societies)
g405_eg405_echeckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Mutual help or insurance group (including burial societies)
g404_fg404_ftextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Trade and business association
g405_fg405_fcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Trade and business association
g404_gg404_gtextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Civic groups (improving community) or charitable group (helping others)
g405_gg405_gcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Civic groups (improving community) or charitable group (helping others)
g404_hg404_htextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Local government
g405_hg405_hcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Local government
g404_ig404_itextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Religious group
g405_ig405_icheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Religious group
g404_jg404_jtextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Other women s group (only if it does not fit into one of the other categories)
g405_jg405_jcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Other women s group (only if it does not fit into one of the other categories)
g404_kg404_ktextIs there a GROUP in your community? GROUP Any other group or organization
g405_kg405_kcheckboxAre you an active member of this GROUP? GROUP Any other group or organization, specified
g501_ag501_atextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Getting inputs for agricultural production
g502_ag502_atextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Getting inputs for agricultural production
g501_bg501_btextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY The types of crops to grow
g502_bg502_btextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY The types of crops to grow
g501_cg501_ctextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Taking crops to the market (or not)
g502_cg502_ctextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Taking crops to the market (or not)
g501_dg501_dtextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Livestock raising
g502_dg502_dtextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Livestock raising
g501_eg501_etextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Your own (singular) wage or salary employment
g502_eg502_etextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Your own (singular) wage or salary employment
g501_fg501_ftextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Major household expenditures (such as a large appliance for the house like a refrigerator)
g502_fg502_ftextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Major household expenditures (such as a large appliance for the house like a refrigerator)
g501_gg501_gtextWhen decisions are made regarding ACTIVITY , who is it that normally takes the decision? ACTIVITY Minor household expenditures (such as food for daily consumption or other household needs)
g502_gg502_gtextTo what extent do you feel you can make your own personal decisions regarding these aspects of household life if you want(ed) to? ACTIVITY Minor household expenditures (such as food for daily consumption or other household needs)
g601bg601btextIn the past 24 hours, did you work, either at home or outside the home, more than usual, about the same amount as usual, or less than usual?
g602g602textNext, I am going to ask you a question about how satisfied you are with the time you have to yourself to do things you enjoy. Please give your opinion on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means you are not satisfied and 10 means you are very satisfied. If you are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, this would be in the middle, or 5, on the scale. How satisfied are you with your available time for leisure activities like visiting neighbors, watching TV, listening to the ratio, seeing movies or doing sports?
todaytodaycalendar_dateSurvey Date
idcodeidcodenumberWoman s ID code