Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Infuence, Household File

datahub.usaid.gov | Last Updated 12 Jul 2024

This dataset contains records describing each household sampled during the 2015 Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence. The survey was designed to monitor program performance by periodic assessments of a number of standardized indicators. A total of 1,021 households were interviewed, which provided data for the target sample size of 1,007 households and ensured the sample is representative of the seven districts covered in the interim assessment. This dataset includes variables from Modules A, D, and F in the questionnaire. The unique identifier for this file is pbs_id, Please note that all key household-level derived variables are also included in the household dataset, including, for example, gendered household type (“ghht”) and the household hunger indicator (“hhhunger”)

Tags: malawi, zone of influence, interim assessment, nutrition

This dataset has the following 90 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
countrycountrytextThese data were collected in Malawi
surveysurveytextTwo surveys were administered. This variable identifies whether the survey was the Interim Feed the Future survey or the Baseline Food for Peace survey.
zoizoitextWas the data collected by Westat or ICF?
clusterclusternumberCluster number
projectprojecttextIdentifies whether the record is used to report on Feed the Future (FTF), Food for Peace (FFP), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), or Project Concern International (PCI) programming. Due to coordinated survey collection, the same record may be used to evalu
pbs_idpbs_idnumberAdministrative variable for identifying households
subgroup3subgroup3checkboxThe 7-district FTF FEEDBACK ZOI which will include district level data from rural areas only of Michinji, Lilongwe, Dedza, Mangochi, Ntcheu, Balaka, Machinga.
strata3strata3textStratification for subgroup 3
urbrururbrurtextLocation type (urban rural)
ghhtghhttextDerived gendered household type
s_hh_wt3s_hh_wt3numberHousehold weights, adjusted for non-response, subgroup 3
todaytodaytextThe day of interview as a string variable, MM-DD-YYYY
outcomeoutcometextA09. overall result code
a04a04numberTA Town - Anonymous
a10a10numberTotal persons in household
a11a11numberTotal number of women 15-49
a12a12numberTotal number of children 0-5
a17a17textLanguage of questionnaire
a18a18textLanguage of interview
a19_1a19_1textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 1 - CHICHEWA
a19_2a19_2textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 2 - YAO
a19_3a19_3textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 3 - TUMBUKA
a19_4a19_4textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 4 - LOMWE
a19_5a19_5textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 5 - NGONI
a19_6a19_6textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 6 - SENA
a19_7a19_7textNative language of respondent SELECT ALL THAT APPLY 7 - OTHER
a20a20checkboxWas a translator used?
hhsizehhsizenumberDerived number of individuals in the household based on the household roster
d01d01textObserved roof top material (outer covering)
d02d02textObserved floor material
d03d03textObserved exterior walls
d04d04textHow many rooms in this dwelling are used for sleeping?
d05d05textWhat is the main type of toilet your household uses?
d06d06checkboxDo you share this toilet with other households?
d07d07textHow many households use this toilet?
d08d08textWhat is the main source of drinking water for your household?
d09d09checkboxDoes this household have electricity?
d10d10textWhat is the main source of cooking fuel for your household?
f01f01checkboxIn the past 30 days was there ever no food to eat of any kind in your house because of lack of resources to get food?
f02f02textHow often did this happen in the past 30 days?
f03f03textIn the past 30 days did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food?
f04f04textHow often did this happen in the past 30 days?
f05f05checkboxIn the past 30 days did you or any household member go a whole day and night without eating anything at all because there was not enough food?
f06f06textHow often did this happen in the past 30 days?
nfemaleadultsnfemaleadultsnumberThis measure is a count of the women aged 18 and older in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information collected in individual modules were not used for these measu
nmaleadultsnmaleadultsnumberThis measure is a count of the men aged 18 and older in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information collected in individual modules were not used for these measure
nkids0_1nkids0_1numberThis measure is a count of the children aged 0 to 1 years (i.e., less than 2 years) in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information collected in individual modules
nkids0_4nkids0_4numberThis measure is a count of the children aged 0 to 4 years (i.e., less than 5 years) in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information collected in individual modules
nkids5_17nkids5_17numberThis measure is a count of the children aged 5 to 17 years (i.e., greater than 4 years and less than 18 years) in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information colle
nyouth15_29nyouth15_29numberThis measure is a count of youth aged 15 to 29 years (i.e., greater than 14 years and less than 30 years) in the household roster. The AGE and SEX variables in the HHMEMBERS file are used to generate these variables. The age and sex information collected
hhsizecathhsizecattextThis measure if a recode of the HHSIZE variable. Households are classified by the number of individuals living in the household, where those with 1-5 household members are termed small, those with 6-10 members are termed medium, and those with 11 or m
maxeducatmaxeducattextThis variable is the maximum level of household education. It contains four categories: None, Less than primary, Primary, and Secondary or more. It represents the category of the highest level of education in the household.
impwaterimpwatertextThis is a binary indicator of improved drinking water. It is recoded from variable D08 using WHO and UNICEF classifications. Improved water includes piped water, tube well borehole, protected dug well, protected spring, and rainwater collection. Unimpro
impsanitationimpsanitationtextThis is a binary indicator of access to improved sanitation facilities. The variable is based on questions D05 and D06 following WHO and UNICEF classifications. Improved sanitation is classified as flush or pour toilets that are flushed to piped sewer sys
personsperroompersonsperroomnumberThis measure is the number of household members per sleeping room in the household. It is created by dividing HHSIZE by the number of sleeping rooms (D04).
solidfuelsolidfuelcheckboxThis variable is a recode of variable D10 and identifies the type of primary fuel used for cooking. Solid fuel is coded as a 1 and includes any biomass, such as coal, lignite, charcoal, wood, straw shrubs grass, agricultural crop residue, and animal dung.
electricelectriccheckboxThis variable is a recode of D09 and indicates, with a 1, that a household has access to electricity.
roofcatroofcattextThis measure is a recoded category of variable D01, roof type. The variable is classified into three categories, natural, rudimentary, and finished, according to the classification used in the questionnaire.
floorcatfloorcattextThis measure is a recoded category of variable D02, roof type. The variable is classified into three categories, Natural, Rudimentary, and Finished, according to the classification used in the questionnaire.
wallcatwallcattextThis measure is a recoded category of variable D03, roof type. The variable is classified into three categories, Natural, Rudimentary, and Finished, according to the classification used in the questionnaire.
newf02newf02textThis is a recode of F01 and F02. It shows how often the household was unable to eat because there was no food and the household lacked the resources to acquire food.
newf04newf04textThis is a recode of F03 and F04. It shows how often household members went to sleep hungry because there was not enough food.
newf06newf06textThis is a recode of F05 and F06. It shows how often household members went all day without eating.
hungerscalehungerscalenumberDerived household hunger scale, ranging from 0 to 6 where higher values indicate greater hunger and food insecurity.
hhhungerhhhungertextThis variable is an indicator that a household experiences moderate or severe HH hunger. The weighted mean of this variable is the Feed the Future Indicator of household hunger.
littlehungerlittlehungercheckboxThis dichotomous variable indicates that a household experiences little or no hunger (0 or 1 on the household hunger scale).
modhungermodhungercheckboxThis dichotomous variable indicates that a household experiences moderate hunger (2 or 3 on the household hunger scale).
severehungerseverehungercheckboxThis dichotomous variable indicates that a household experiences severe hunger (4 or more on the household hunger scale).
nages0_4nages0_4numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 0 to 4 years old.
nages5_9nages5_9numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 5 to 9 years old.
nages10_14nages10_14numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 10 to 14 years old.
nages15_19nages15_19numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 15 to 19 years old.
nages20_24nages20_24numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 20 to 24 years old.
nages25_29nages25_29numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 25 to 29 years old.
nages30_34nages30_34numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 30 to 34 years old.
nages35_39nages35_39numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 35 to 39 years old.
nages40_44nages40_44numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 40 to 44 years old.
nages45_49nages45_49numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 45 to 49 years old.
nages50_54nages50_54numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 50 to 54 years old.
nages55_59nages55_59numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 55 to 59 years old.
nages60_64nages60_64numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 60 to 64 years old.
nages65_69nages65_69numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 65 to 69 years old.
nages70_74nages70_74numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 70 to 74 years old.
nages75_79nages75_79numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 75 to 79 years old.
nages80_84nages80_84numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 80 to 84 years old.
nages85_89nages85_89numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 85 to 89 years old.
nages90_94nages90_94numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are between the ages of 90 to 94 years old.
nages95_nages95_numberThis measure is a count of household members in the household who are 95 years old or older.