Haiti Sorghum Intercropping Sugarcane Aphid Study 2018-2019 - Late Season Dataset

datahub.usaid.gov | Last Updated 25 Jun 2024

This dataset captures late season aphid counts. It contains 1,080 rows and 8 columns. Two experiments were conducted, one planted on 8/22/2018 (fall 2018) and another planted on 1/19/2019 (spring 2019), in Jonc-Labeille, Haiti. Three experimental treatments were compared: sorghum, sorghum intercropped with maize, and sorghum intercropped with pigeon pea. The sorghum variety was “Bout gode,” the maize variety was “Chicken corn,” and the pigeon pea was “Pwa kongo local.” A randomized complete block design experiment was used.

Tags: sorghum, sugarcane aphid, intercropping, sorghum production, natural enemies, haiti

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Sampling Datesampling_datecalendar_date
Aphids/Leaf Lowaphids_leaf_lownumber
Aphids/Leaf Middleaphids_leaf_middlenumber
Aphids/Leaf Highaphids_leaf_highnumber