Public Postsecondary Awards Conferred by Institution: Detail | Last Updated 30 Jul 2024

Count of certificates and degrees conferred by institution, award type, race, and gender. Related Datasets: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Public Postsecondary Awards Conferred by Institution: Summary</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Public Postsecondary Awards Conferred Statewide</a> Notes: - Data appear as reported to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. - Figures published by DHE may differ slightly from figures published by other institutions and organizations due to differences in timing of publication, data definitions, and calculation logic. - An award is conferred to a student by a postsecondary educational institution as official recognition after their successful completion of a program of study. - A fiscal year (FY) is 12-month period beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Because a fiscal year straddles two different calendar years, the calendar year and fiscal year will not always match. For example, FY 2025 runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Tags: gender, race, ethnicity, race and ethnicity, college, university, community college, undergraduate education, graduate education, graduation, degrees, degrees awarded, degrees conferred, degrees obtained, certificates, certificates awarded, master, bachelor, doctorate, doctoral, associate, post-bachelor

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
FISCAL_YEARfiscal_yeartextYear (Fiscal)
AWARDS_CONFERREDawards_conferrednumberAwards Conferred Count
INSTITUTIONinstitutiontextPublic Institution Name
AWARD_TYPEaward_typetextAward Type
AWARD_TYPE_ORDERaward_type_ordernumberAward Type Order