Public Postsecondary Awards Conferred Statewide | Last Updated 10 Apr 2024

Count of certificates and degrees conferred statewide by race, gender, meta major, and major (CIP 2). <p> Data appear as reported to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.

Tags: gender, race, ethnicity, race and ethnicity, college, university, graduation, demographics, community college, undergraduate education, graduate education, degrees, degrees awarded, degrees conferred, degrees obtained, certificates, certificates awarded, master, bachelor, doctorate, doctoral, associate, post-bachelor

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
FISCAL_YEARfiscal_yeartextYear (Fiscal)
AWARDS_CONFERREDawards_conferrednumberAwards Conferred Count
AWARD_TYPEaward_typetextAward Type
AWARD_TYPE_ORDERaward_type_ordernumberAward Type Order
META_MAJORmeta_majortextMeta Major
CIP_2_MAJORcip_2_descriptiontextMajor (CIP 2)