IFC Advisory Services Projects

finances.worldbank.org | Last Updated 19 Sep 2024

Please access this dataset from the newest version of Finances One at https://financesone.worldbank.org/ifc-advisory-services-projects/DS00071. The webpage you are on will be decommissioned soon. Be sure to update any bookmarks or saved links with the new URL. Private sector development requires more than just finance. Experience shows the powerful role advisory services can play in unlocking investment and helping businesses expand and create jobs. To help the private sector in emerging markets, IFC provides advice, problem solving, and training to companies, industries, and governments. Our experience shows that companies need more than financial investment to thrive—they need a regulatory environment that enables entrepreneurship, and advice on business best practices. Our work includes advising national and local governments on how to improve their investment climate and strengthen basic infrastructure. Governments account for around half of our advisory projects. We also help investment clients improve corporate governance and become more sustainable. For project information IFC discloses on a daily basis, please refer to the IFC Disclosure Portal: http://www.ifc.org/disclosure

Tags: ifc, advisory, projects, region level

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Disclosure Datedisclosure_datecalendar_dateDate when the record was first disclosed.
Project Numberproject_numbertextNumeric code that uniquely identifies a project.
Project Nameproject_nametextName of an advisory project - discrete unit of work associated with provision of service to a client.
Project URLproject_urlurlLink to a project page on IFC Projects website.
CountrycountrytextCountry where investment and/or advisory services are executed and/or utilized.
IFC Country Codeifc_country_codetextCountry code according to IFC Code list.
IFC RegionregiontextGeographic region. The term 'World" describes projects spanning multiple regions.
Business Linebusiness_linetext
Estimated Total Budget ($)estimated_total_budgetnumberProject budget includes all project-funded activities.
DepartmentdepartmenttextWorld Bank Group organizational entity within a Vice Presidency, comprised of one or more units and/or divisions.
StatusstatustextIdentifies standing of a project.
IFC Approval Dateifc_approval_datecalendar_dateDate on which a project was approved by Board/Management in accordance with Operational Procedures.
Projected Start Dateprojected_start_datecalendar_dateProject estimated start date.
WB Country Codecountry_codetextCountry code according to WB Code list. Might be different from ISO codes
As of Dateas_of_datecalendar_dateDate when this snapshot was taken.