Paid In Contributions to IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds based on FY of Receipt | Last Updated 25 Apr 2017

A Recipient-executed Grant is a Trust Fund Grant that is provided to a third party under a grant agreement, and for which the Bank plays an operational role - i.e., the Bank normally appraises and supervises activities financed by these funds. This dataset provides data on the amount of grant funds committed in the course of a fiscal year and payments made out of a Trust Fund account to eligible recipients, in accordance with the legal agreements. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. All definitions should be regarded at present as provisional and not final, and are subject to revision at any time. Data is provided at the individual Trust Fund level and is updated as of 04/02/2015. No further updates are planned for this particular dataset, please visit the Global Partnership and Trust Fund Operations website for more details:

Tags: trust funds, donors, contributions, country level, ifc

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
As of Dateas_of_datecalendar_dateRepresents the date as of which balances are shown on the report.
FundfundtextFund/Program type.
Trustee Fund Numbertrustee_fund_numbertextRefers to Trustee Account. The Trustee Account is the account at the highest level in the Trust Fund hierarchy into which Contributions or other funds are received. Every Trust fund hierarchy has one Trustee Account.
Trustee Fund Nametrustee_fund_nametextRefers to the Trustee Fund name used in the World Bank system to identify a Trustee Account.
Donor Codedonor_codetextDonor Code according to the World Bank country list. Might be different from the ISO Country Code.
Donor Namedonor_nametextName of donor country/entity.
Donor Agencydonor_agencytextEntity, which may include a World Bank Group entity making a contribution to a Trust Fund or Financial Intermediary Fund.
Fiscal Year of Receiptfiscal_year_of_receiptnumberFiscal Year of the receipt for Paid-In Contributions. The fiscal year begins on July 1st of the previous year and runs through June 30th of the designated year.
Contributions Paid In (USD)_contributions_paid_in_usd_numberContributions received from a Donor in the form of cash, promissory note, or other instrument acceptable to the World Bank entity administering the Trust Fund.. Amount in US Dollars equivalent is calculated using the exchange rate at the receipt date.
StatusstatustextIndicates a legal status of the corresponding fund. ACTN = Active CLOS = Closed