Individual Provider Network Data: 2019 Quarter 2 | Last Updated 6 Sep 2019

The Individual Provider Network Data displays information on individuals participating in health plan networks from April through June, 2019. Plan network data is collected from Medicaid, Commercial, and Exchange plans on a quarterly basis by the Department of Health, including managed care plans, as well as PPO/EPO plans. For more information, please visit:

Tags: facilities and services, pnds, provider network, provider, individual

This dataset has the following 87 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Last NamestdlastnametextStandardized last name of provider
First NamestdfirstnametextStandardized first name of provider
National Provider IdentifiernpitextThe National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers
Medicaid Provider Identification Numbermedsidtext
Site NamesitenametextStandardized name of the office or facility building
Room or SuitermnumbertextRoom or suite number of the provider’s office
Street Addressaddress1_stdtextStandardized street address of the site
Town/Citycity_stdtextStandardized name of the town or city
CountytruecountynametextCounty Name
Borough/County CodetruecountyfipstextFederal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county or borough code, based on geolocation
Statestate_stdtextStandardized state name
Zip Codezip_stdtextStandardized zip code
LatitudelatitudenumberSystem-generated latitude for reported address
LongitudelongitudenumberSystem-generated longitude for reported address
Wheel Chair AccessibilitywheelchrnumberWhether the office is wheelchair accessible 0=No 1=Yes
Primary designationprimdesgnumberPrimary designation of a provider. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Provider TypeprovtypetextDegree or licensure of the provider. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Primary SpecialtyprimspectextPrimary specialty of the provider. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Secondary SpecialtysecdspectextSecondary specialty of the provider. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Board Status - Primary SpecialtybrdstattextLevel of education/training completed by a provider towards a recognized medical specialty certificate for the provider’s primary specialty. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Board Status - Secondary Specialtybrdstat2textLevel of education/training completed by a provider towards a recognized medical specialty certificate for the provider’s secondary specialty. Refer to codes in the PNDS data dictionary:
Provider’s Gendergendertext1=Male 2=Female
Commercial Provider Indicatorcommindnumber0=No 1=Yes
Medicaid Provider Indicatormcaidindnumber0=No 1=Yes
CHP IndicatorchpindnumberChild Health Plus (CHP) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
HARP IndicatorharpindnumberHealth and Recovery Plan Indicator (HARP) 0=No 1=Yes
Medicaid Advantage Indicatormaindnumber0=No 1=Yes
Partial CAPS IndicatorpcapindnumberPartial Capitated (CAPS) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
MAP IndicatormapindnumberMedicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
PACE IndicatorpaceindnumberPrograms of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
FIDA IndicatorfidaindnumberFully-Integrated Dual Advantage (FIDA) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
FIDA IDD IndicatorfidaiddindnumberFully-Integrated Dual Advantage for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FIDAIDD) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
HIV SNP IndicatorhivsnpindnumberHIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Special Needs Plans Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
SIP-PL IndicatorsipindnumberSIP-PL (Specialized I/DD Plans- Provider Led) Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Standard Essential Health Plan (EP) Indicator/Basic Health Program IndicatorbhpindnumberNew York State of Health Standard Essential Health Plan (EP) Indicator/Basic Health Program Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH EP Plus Adult Vision/Dental Indicator/Basic Health Program Adult IndicatorbhpaindnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Standard Essential Health Plan (EP) Indicator/Basic Health Program Indicator 0=No 1=Yes
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 1nonmcomed1indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 1 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 2nonmcomed2indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 2 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 3nonmcomed3indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 3 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 4nonmcomed4indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 4 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 5nonmcomed5indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 5 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 2nonmcomed6indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 6 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 7nonmcomed7indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 7 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator 8nonmcomed8indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Medical Indicator 8 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Medical Indicator (1-8) THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1nonmcovis1indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 1 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 2nonmcovis2indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 2 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 3nonmcovis3indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 3 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 4nonmcovis4indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 4 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 5nonmcovis5indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 5 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 6nonmcovis6indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Vision 6 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Vision Indicator 1-6 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1nonmcodent1indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Dental 1 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1-5 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 2nonmcodent2indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Dental 2 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1-5 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 3nonmcodent3indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Dental 3 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1-5 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 4nonmcodent4indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Dental 4 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1-5 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 5nonmcodent5indnumberCommercial Non-Managed Care Organization (MCO) Dental 5 Indicator 0=No 1=Yes Commercial Non-MCO Dental Indicator 1-5 THIS IS CONSOLIDATED IN THE DICTIONARY ONLY
Hospital Affiliation Operating Certificate (OPCERT) #1hospcerttextOperating certificate (OPCERT) number of hospitals affiliated with the provider (1-3)
HA PFI #1pficert1textPermanent Facility Identifier (PFI) corresponding to HAOPECRT (1-3)
Hospital Affiliation Operating Certificate (OPCERT) #2hspcert2textOperating certificate (OPCERT) number of hospitals affiliated with the provider (1-3)
HA PFI #2pficert2textPermanent Facility Identifier (PFI) corresponding to HAOPECRT (1-3)
Hospital Affiliation Operating Certificate (OPCERT) #3hspcert3textOperating certificate (OPCERT) number of hospitals affiliated with the provider (1-3)
HA PFI #3pficert3textPermanent Facility Identifier (PFI) corresponding to HAOPECRT (1-3)
Provider Location Facility Operating NumberprovcerttextOperating certificate (OPCERT) number of the provider’s location
PFIprovpfitextThe Permanent Facility Identifier (PFI) of the provider’s location
Language 1lang1textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 2lang2textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 3lang3textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 4lang4textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 5lang5textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 6lang6textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
Language 7lang7textLanguage that a provider or clinical staff member can speak to a member (1-7)
NYSOH Individual Network 1 Indicatornysohmedical1indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 2 Indicatornysohmedical2indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 3 Indicatornysohmedical3indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 4 Indicatornysohmedical4indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 5 Indicatornysohmedical5indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 6 Indicatornysohmedical6indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 7 Indicatornysohmedical7indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 8 Indicatornysohmedical8indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Network 9 Indicatornysohmedical9indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Network Indicator (1-10) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Dental Network 1 Indicatornysohdental1indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Dental Network Indicator (1-4) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Dental Network 2 Indicatornysohdental2indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Dental Network Indicator (1-4) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Dental Network 3 Indicatornysohdental3indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Dental Network Indicator (1-4) 0=No 1=Yes
NYSOH Individual Dental Network 4 Indicatornysohdental4indnumberNew York State of Health (NYSOH) Individual Dental Network Indicator (1-4) 0=No 1=Yes
Site NPIsitenpitextProvider facility’s National Provider Identifier (NPI
Plan NameplannametextName of submitted health plan
PNDSIDpndsidtextProvider Network Data System (PNDS) identification number associated with plan submitter
Quarter/YearquartertextQuarter and year of data submission