Health Care Coverage Status of Residents Age 18 and Over by Gender Trend Chart (BRFSS): 2007 - 2010 | Last Updated 24 Aug 2016

This chart shows the trend in health care coverage status among NY residents age 18 and over by gender from 2007 to 2010. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) sample data were used to generate annual percentages of non-institutionalized adult (18+) NYS residents with/without health insurance coverage. Health care coverage percentages are provided for 2007 forward, and are available for a range of demographic groups (New York City/Rest of State; Sex; Race/Ethnicity; Age; Education; Income; Disability Status; Employment Status; Mental Health Status). BRFSS is a random digit dialing (RDD) phone survey of the health status and health behaviors of adult NYS residents. The sample covers between 6,000 and 9,000 completed interviews annually. For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

Tags: community health and chronic disease, health insurance; health care coverage; behavioral risk factor surveillance system; brfss; new york state; nys; affordable care act; aca; obamacare

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
CharacteristiccharacteristictextThe indicated variable of interest being measured
YearyearnumberThe year of the BRFSS survey.
Demographic Categorydemographic_categorytextThe general description of the demographic groups.
Demographic Groupdemographic_grouptextThe specific value of the demographic category.
Overall Sample Sizeoverall_sample_sizenumberThe total number of sample cases in the demographic group providing a valid answer to the BRFSS question on health care coverage.
Overall Population Sizeoverall_population_sizenumberThe estimated size of the demographic group’s population, obtained using the CDC-calculated weights for respondents providing a valid answer to the BRFSS question on health care coverage.
Sample Cases with Characteristicsample_cases_w_characteristicnumberThe number of sample cases in the demographic group that have the indicated characteristic (has health care coverage/does not have health care coverage).
Estimated Population with Characteristicest_pop_ct_w_characteristicnumberThe estimated size of the demographic group’s population that have the indicated characteristic (has health care coverage/does not have health care coverage).
Percentage with Characteristicpercentage_w_characteristicnumberThe estimate percentage of the population that has the indicated characteristic (has health care coverage/does not have health care coverage), obtained by dividing the estimated population with the indicated characteristic by the overall population size.
Lower Confidence LevellowerclnumberThe lower 95% confidence level for this percentage.
Upper Confidence LevelupperclnumberThe upper 95% confidence level for this percentage.