Creating Healthy Places Intervention Counts by Intervention Type | Last Updated 15 Feb 2019

<b>Note: This dataset is no longer updated.</b> This chart shows the counts of Creating Healthy Places interventions by intervention type. Creating Healthy Places to Live Work and Play (CHP2LWP) is a joint five year grant (October 2010 – October 2015) of New York State Department of Health’s Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Division of Nutrition. The Purpose of the initiative is to implement community level interventions to promote healthy lifestyles to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. Twenty-two communities across New York State are funded to carry out this initiative. From a list of 18 policy, systems and environmental interventions, community contractors selected a minimum four to implement. The 18 interventions are grouped into five, broad activity categories. The activities include two that are related to increasing opportunities for physical activity, two that address improving nutrition, and one that addresses both physical activity and nutrition. For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

Tags: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, physical activity, healthy eating, complete streets, community based intervention, community health and chronic disease

This dataset has the following 2 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
InterventioninterventiontextInterventions represent one of 16 possible policy, system or environmental approaches chosen by Creating Healthy Places contractors that are identified in the literature as promising or evidence based for improving nutrition or increasing opportunities for physical activity at the community level. A full list of the possible interventions can be found in the Dataset Overview document.
CitycitytextThe city where the intervention is located.