Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR) Health Disparities 2018

health.data.ny.gov | Last Updated 10 Jun 2021

This dataset includes Medicaid Managed Care, Commercial HMO, and Commercial PPO performance data from the Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR) by member demographic characteristics. QARR is largely based on measures of quality developed and published by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®). Plans are required to submit quality performance data each year. Demographic information analyzed in this report includes members’ sex, age, race/ethnicity, Medicaid aid category, cash assistance status, behavioral health conditions including serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorder (SUD), payer status, and region of residence. Measuring the quality of care, and the ability to measure disparities in care is an important first step to a better understanding of the underlying factors that drive differences in care among certain populations within Medicaid Managed Care, Commercial HMO, and Commercial PPO. <p>These data are published annually for Medicaid Managed Care in the Health Care Disparities in New York State Report and on the NYSDOH website: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/ </p>

Tags: managed care, medicaid, plan performance, qarr, quality, health disparities, commercial hmo, commercial ppo

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Measurement Yearmeasurement_yeartextThe time period the data represent.
PayerpayertextMedicaid Managed Care, Commercial HMO, Commercial PPO.
DomaindomaintextThe measures in QARR are divided into seven domains: Provider, Network, Access to Primary Care, Child and Adolescent Health, Women’s Health, Adult Health, Behavioral Health, and Satisfaction with Care. Information from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) consumer satisfaction survey is included in the Provider Network, Adults Living with Illness, as well as in the Satisfaction with Care sections.
Sub Domainsub_domaintextCategory within the domain with more detailed information regarding a certain aspect of quality.
Measure Descriptionmeasure_descriptiontextDescription of quality measure. This dataset contains 66 measures from the QARR.
MeasuremeasuretextMeasure short name that corresponds to the short name in the QARR dataset file.
Method of Data Collectionmethod_of_data_collectiontextMethods of collecting quality data are administrative review, hybrid review, and the CAHPS survey. Administrative review utilizes administrative systems only to identify the eligible population, numerator events, and exclusions to calculate a rate. Hybrid review utilizes administrative systems to use a sample of the eligible population in addition to medical chart review. The CAHPS survey is an annual survey that asks consumers and patients to report on and evaluate their experiences with health care.
CategorycategorytextThis field reflects characteristics that are extracted from the member information that is collected during enrollment and is linked to QARR member-level data. The categories of demographic information include: members’ gender, age, race/ethnicity, Medicaid aid category, payer status, cash assistance status, mental health condition, substance use, and region of residence.
CharacteristicscharacteristicstextThis field reflects the range of values that are appropriate for each demographic category.
NumeratornumeratornumberNumber of persons within each characteristic.
DenominatordenominatornumberNumber of persons meeting denominator criteria specified by HEDIS 2019 within each characteristic.
RateratenumberPercentage of numerator compliant within the denominator criteria.