Medicaid Enrolled Provider Listing | Last Updated 3 Jun 2024

This is a list of active Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS), Managed Care Only and Ordering, Prescribing, Referring, Attending (OPRA) providers. Data elements include the provider’s Medicaid Provider ID, NPI, provider or facility name, Medicaid type, profession or service, provider specialty, service address, city, state, zip code, county, telephone number, latitude, longitude, enrollment begin date, next anticipated revalidation date, date the file was extracted from the data warehouse and a Medically Fragile Children and Adults Directory Indicator.

Tags: consumer resources, community health and chronic disease, strategic initiatives, mmis, npi, medicaid, managed care, mmc, provider enrollment, 21st century cures act, emedny, part 438, children’s health insurance, fee-for-service, ffs, opra

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
MEDICAID PROVIDER IDmmis_idtextA unique number assigned to each provider enrolled to provide services to members of the Medicaid program. This number is the primary method of identifying a provider.
NPInpitextNational Provider ID (NPI) is a standard unique identifier for health care providers. This NPI relates to the MMIS ID and is the most current NPI on file.
PROVIDER OR FACILITY NAMEmmis_nametextThe name of a provider of Medicaid services as used on official State records.
MEDICAID TYPEmedicaid_typetextFFS (Fee for Service Medicaid): Provider is enrolled and participating in the Medicaid fee for service program. The provider may or may not be a participating provider in the Medicaid managed care program. MCO (Managed Care Only): Provider is enrolled but cannot bill the Medicaid fee for service program. The provider is a participating provider in the Medicaid managed care program. OPRA (Ordering, Prescribing, Referring, Attending): Provider is enrolled and participating in the Medicaid program as a non-billing provider.
PROFESSION OR SERVICEprofession_or_servicetextSpecifies the broad areas of service that a provider can render.
PROVIDER SPECIALTYprovider_specialtytextIdentifies the medical specialty for which a provider is certified.
SERVICE ADDRESSservice_addresstextAddress related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID.
CITYcitytextThe City related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID.
STATEstatetextState related to the service address for the MMIS ID.
ZIP CODEzip_codetextZip Code related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID.
COUNTYcountytextCounty related to the service address for the MMIS ID.
TELEPHONEtelephonetextTelephone number related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID.
LATITUDElatitudetextLatitude related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID. –nn.dddddddddddd (example: Zip Code 10029-4623 would reflect Latitude 40.7920468)
LONGITUDElongitudetextLongitude related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID. nnn.dddddddddddd (example: Zip Code 10029-4623 would reflect Longitude ¬-73.9444103)
ENROLLMENT BEGIN DATEenrollment_begin_datecalendar_dateMost recent date the provider began participating in NYS FFS Medicaid/OPRA/ Managed Care Only. mm/dd/ccyy with leading zeros
NEXT ANTICIPATED REVALIDATION DATEnext_anticipated_revalidation_datecalendar_dateDate the provider is subject to revalidate. mm/dd/ccyy with leading zeros
FILE DATEupdatedcalendar_dateDate the file was created at eMedNY. mm/dd/ccyy with leading zeros
MEDICALLY FRAGILE CHILDREN AND ADULTS DIRECTORY INDmedically_fragile_children_directory_indtextIndicator to identify provider enrolled in the Medically Fragile Children Directory. Indicator will be Y for Yes and N for No
PROVIDER EMAILprovider_emailtextThe provider email address related to the service address for the Medicaid provider ID. Email address will only be included for Provider Duty Nursing (PDN) providers. All other provider records will be blank.