HIV Ambulatory Care Quality of Care Performance Results: 2011 Region Average (After Redaction) | Last Updated 27 Sep 2019

This chart summarizes performance at regional and statewide levels. The average clinic score (percentage of "yes" responses) for each region is compared to the average clinic score across the entire state. The default view displays data for viral load suppression, a key outcome measure, but other indicators may be selected under the Filter tab. Additional information about each data point can be obtained by moving your cursor over it. This overview may be useful for public health officers and researchers. It also enables individual providers and consumers to compare care in their region to that at a particular facility. It should be noted, however, that these are only relative comparisons for the purpose of continuous quality improvement; the statewide average is not intended to define a standard of acceptable performance. Also, the statistical significance of regional performance variation depends on the number of submissions per region, which varies considerably across the state. The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

Tags: hiv, aids, ambulatory care, outpatient, quality improvement, quality management, qi, qm, quality, quality-safety-costs

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
YearyearnumberCalendar year of clinical care under review. For example, "2011" represents a review in 2012 of clinical care provided between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2011.
RegionregiontextThe geographic region in which each clinic is located. Each New York City borough constitutes a region; there are five other regions for the rest of the state.
Program Nameprogram_nametextThe name of the clinic providing care. Separate reviews are conducted for each site within a multi‐site organization. Program names are also generated for regional and statewide averages.
Indicator Nameindicator_nametextName of the clinical performance indicator.
Eligible Patientseligible_patientsnumberNumber of patients in the sample for the clinic that were eligible for each particular indicator. If 5 or fewer, this field and the Indicator_value field are redacted.
Indicator Valueindicator_valuenumberThe percentage of “yes” responses (“score”) for each indicator.
QuintilequintiletextThe results for each indicator are grouped into the “top 20%,” the “second highest 20%,” etc.; these are referred to as “quintiles.” This field displays these findings for each clinic. ("First" is the highest; "Fifth" is the lowest.)