Creating Healthy Places Child Focused Interventions and Student Weight Status County Map | Last Updated 25 Aug 2020

This layered map shows the locations of Creating Healthy Places interventions that are targeted towards children and the percentage of students (elementary, middle, and high school) who are obese (95th percentile or higher) by county (source: Student Weight Status Category Reporting System). The purpose of the Creating Healthy Places initiative is to implement community level interventions to promote healthy lifestyles to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. The lighter shaded counties have a lower percentage of obese students. The darker shaded counties have a higher percentage of obese students. This map can help identify areas that could benefit from more community level and school level interventions like the ones implemented through the Creating Healthy Places Initiative. The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

Tags: community health indicators, county health assessment indicators, student weight, creating healthy places, chirs, swscr, childhood obesity, dsrip, community health and chronic disease

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
County Namecounty_nametextFull county name.
Health Topic Numberhealth_topic_numbernumberHealth Topic ID number.
Health Topichealth_topictextFull title for the specific Health Topic area.
Indicator Numberindicator_numbertextUnique indicator identifier.
IndicatorindicatortextFull text description of the indicator.
Event Countevent_countnumberEvent counts for rate computations (numerators).
Average Number of Denominatoraverage_number_of_denominatornumberDenominator for rate computations.
Measure Unitmeasure_unittextResult type, rate or percentage.
Percent/Ratepercent_ratenumberIndicator value.
Lower Limit of 95% CIlower_limit_of_95_cinumberLower limit of 95% Confidence Intervals for percentage estimates from survey data.
Upper Limit of 95% CIupper_limit_of_95_cinumberUpper limit of 95% Confidence Intervals for percentage estimates from survey data.
Data Commentsdata_commentstextIndicates when the county data is unstable or suppressed due to small number of events.
QuartilequartiletextQuartile(s) that indicator estimate falls within.
Data Yearsdata_yearstextTime period for raw data used in indicator computation.
Data Sourcedata_sourcetextData sources for the raw data used in indicator computation.
Mapping Distributionmapping_distributionnumberGrouping of county rates for color shades in the map (value of "1" indicates the best group and "3" indicates the worst group).
LocationlocationlocationLatitude/longitude decimal degree coordinates for the region covered by the indicator, for use in mapping.