All Payer Hospital Inpatient Discharges by Facility and Year (SPARCS De-Identified): Beginning 2009 | Last Updated 19 Jan 2018

This chart displays the total number of discharges per hospital by discharge year for the hospitals with the largest number of discharges. To view a hospital that is not included in the initial visualization, explore the different filter conditions. To expand the view from the initial hospitals shown, you may uncheck the preselected filter and choose your own parameters. The chart is based on data collected on patients and hospital discharges in the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS). Not all hospitals are shown in the initial visualization display. To expand the display, explore the different filter options. The SPARCS data has been divided into two distinct datasets, Hospital Discharges by Patient County of Residence and Hospital Discharges by Facility to preserve the confidentiality of identifiable individual information. This dataset includes the facility names. For more information check out The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset..

Tags: sparcs, hospital, quality-safety-costs

This dataset has the following 5 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
Hospital Namehospital_nametextThe name of the facility where services were performed based on the Facility Identifier, as maintained by the NYSDOH Division of Health Facility Planning.
Discharge Yeardischarge_yearnumberIndicates the year of the discharge.
Yearly Rank by Volumehospital_volume_ranking_2010numberIdentifies the ranking of the total number of discharges for each hospital, in the particular discharge year of that record, based upon the total number of discharges for all hospitals in that discharge year. Values run from 1 to 220s (dependent on the number of hospitals open for that year).
Number of Dischargesnumber_of_dischargesnumberThe number of discharges based on the combination of variables selected.
Average Length of Stayaverage_length_of_staytextThe average length of stay in days based on the total number of discharges in the combination of variables selected.