Medicaid Inpatient Prevention Quality Overall Composite Risk Adjusted Rate per 100,000 for Pediatric Discharges by County and Year: Beginning 2011 | Last Updated 24 Aug 2016

This chart shows the overall risk adjusted rate per 100,000 for Medicaid prevention quality indicators for pediatric discharges by county and year.The datasets contain number of Medicaid PDI hospitalizations (numerator), county or zip Medicaid population (denominator), observed rate, expected number of hospitalizations and rate, and risk-adjusted rate for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Pediatric Quality Indicators – Pediatric (AHRQ PDI) for Medicaid enrollees beginning in 2011. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDIs) are a set of population based measures that can be used with hospital inpatient discharge data to identify ambulatory care sensitive conditions. These are conditions where 1) the need for hospitalization is potentially preventable with appropriate outpatient care, or 2) conditions that could be less severe if treated early and appropriately. Both the Urinary Tract Infection and Gastroenteritis PDIs include admissions for patients aged 3 months through 17 years. The asthma PDI includes admissions for patients aged 2 through 17 years. Eligible admissions for the Diabetes Short-term Complications PDI includes admissions for patients aged 6 through 17 years. The rates were calculated using Medicaid inpatient hospital data for the numerator and Medicaid enrollment in the county or zip code for the denominator. The observed counts and rates, expected counts and rates, risk-adjusted rates and the difference between the number of observed and expected PDI hospitalizations for each AHRQ PDI are presented by either resident county (including a statewide total) or resident zip code (including a statewide total). For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.

Tags: quality-safety-costs, medicaid, pdi, prevention quality indicator, efficiency, dsrip, inpatient, strategic initiatives

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Discharge Yeardischarge_yearnumberThe year of both the hospital PDI discharge and the Medicaid county population used in calculation of rates.
Patient Countypatient_countytextThe patient’s county of residence at time of discharge. Hospital discharges that did not have an accurate New York State county were excluded.
PDI Numberpdi_numbertextThe value code assigned to the PDI measure.
PDI Namepdi_nametextThe descriptive name of the PDI measure.
Medicaid PDI Hospitalizationsmedicaid_pdi_hospitalizationsnumberTotal number of Medicaid enrollee admissions in a county population that meet the criteria for a specific PDI.
County Medicaid Populationcounty_medicaid_populationnumberTotal number of Medicaid enrollees in a county population.
Observed Rate per 100,000 peopleobserved_rate_per_100_000_peoplenumberThe number of PDI discharges in the county divided by the county Medicaid population, multiplied by 100,000.
Expected PQI Hospitalizationsexpected_pqi_hospitalizationsnumberTotal number of expected admissions based on the characteristics of the county that would meet the criteria for a specific PDI.
Expected Rate per 100,000 peopleexpected_rate_per_100_000_peoplenumberThe number of expected PDI discharges in the county, adjusted by age, gender and race/ethnicity divided by the county Medicaid population, multiplied by 100,000.
Risk Adjusted Rate per 100,000 peoplerisk_adjusted_rate_per_100_000_peoplenumberThe observed PDI rate divided by the expected PDI rate, multiplied by the statewide PDI rate.
Difference in Hospitalizationsdifference_in_hospitalizationsnumberThe difference between the observed number of PDI hospitalizations and the expected number of PDI hospitalizations.