HIV/AIDS Cases | Last Updated 25 Jul 2023

This data set includes tables on persons living with HIV/AIDS, newly diagnosed HIV cases and all cause deaths in HIV/AIDS cases by gender, age, race/ethnicity and transmission category. In all tables, cases are reported as of December 31 of the given year, as reported by January 9, 2019, to allow a minimum of 12 months reporting delay. Gender is determined by both current gender and sex at birth variables; transgender values are assigned when current gender is identified as "Transgender" or when a discrepancy is identified between a person's sex at birth and their current gender (e.g., cases where sex at birth is "Male" and current gender is "Female" will become Transgender: Male to Female.) Prior to 2003, Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders were classified as one combined group. In order to present these race/ethnicities separately, living cases recorded under this combined classification were split and redistributed according to their expected proportional population representation estimated from post-2003 data.

Tags: aids, california, hiv, msm, ooa, public health surveillance, transgendered persons