Special Vaccine Locations

healthdata.gov | Last Updated 26 Jul 2023

List of sites that guarantee specific, non-flu vaccines will be in-stock and available for the time period indicated in each record. For flu shot locations, go to https://data.cityofchicago.org/Health-Human-Services/Flu-Shot-Locations-2014-Present/w3hg-pyhz. Note for using this dataset that it is always recommended that individuals contact their healthcare provider or closest pharmacy to check on vaccine availability prior to walking in for vaccination. Each vaccine has a filtered view showing only records from that vaccine and blank filter conditions that can be used to filter further by time. These filtered views can be used for almost all purposes as if they were datasets, although any additional criteria added by a user would need to be saved to a new filtered view in order to use it in this manner. This dataset approximately follows https://github.com/codeforamerica/flu-shot-spec/blob/master/data-format.csv and is designed for use by https://github.com/tkompare. For more information about CDPH Vaccines/Shots/Immunizations, go to https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/provdrs/health_protection_and_response/svcs/immunization1.html.

Tags: health, immunization, measles, meningitis, mmr, vaccination