Cost Per Mile Calculations | Last Updated 22 Mar 2022

The information provided in this dataset is used for performance metrics in the Annual Report and the Act100 Report. Data for these metrics are being pulled from the mileage and expenditure datasets. This dataset provides metrics certain metrics including total number of lane miles cost per lane mile. Mileage: Expenditures:

Tags: cost, miles, calculation

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Total_Mileagetotal_mileagenumberTotal number of road miles
Total_Lane_Milestotal_lane_milesnumberTotal number of lane miles
AdminCostadmincostnumberTotal Admin Costs
CostPerMilecostpermilenumberTotal cost per mile
CostPerLaneMilescostperlanemilesnumberTotal cost per lane miles
datedatecalendar_dateDate the data was last updated