Pedestrian Stops | Last Updated 24 Apr 2020

This visual captures all pedestrian stops. Time of incident, officer assignment, race/sex of stop subject, and outcome of the stop ("Action taken") are also included in this data. Individual pedestrian stops may populate multiple data rows to account for multiple outcomes: "interview number" is the unique identifier for every one (1) pedestrian stop. This visual is updated daily. DISCLAIMER: In compliance with privacy laws, all Public Safety datasets are anonymized and appropriately redacted prior to publication on the City of Cincinnati’s Open Data Portal. This means that for all public safety datasets: (1) the last two digits of all addresses have been replaced with “XX,” and in cases where there is a single digit street address, the entire address number is replaced with "X"; and (2) Latitude and Longitude have been randomly

Tags: pedestrian stops, pedestrian, ped stops, stops, traffic, police