2017 San Diego County Demographics - School Enrollment by Age Group

internal-sandiegocounty.data.socrata.com | Last Updated 21 Feb 2020

This indicator provides the percentage of students in each age group that were enrolled in school (any level of school). Enrollment questions are asked for persons 3 years and older and percentage is for each specific age group. Source: U.S. Census Bureau; 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table S1401.

Tags: school enrollment, age groups

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Population Age 3-4population_age_3_4number
Population Age 5-9population_age_5_9number
Population Age 10-14population_age_10_14number
Population Age 15-17population_age_15_17number
Population Age 18-19population_age_18_19number
Population Age 20-24population_age_20_24number
Population Age 25-34population_age_25_34number
Population Age 35+population_age_35number