2020 Behavioral Health Outcomes

internal-sandiegocounty.data.socrata.com | Last Updated 25 Apr 2023

Data by medical encounter for the following conditions by age, race/ethnicity, and gender: Alcohol Poisoning Alcohol Related Disorders Anxiety and Fear Related Disorders Cannabis Overdoses Cannabis Related Disorders Depression Impulse and Conduct Disorders Miscellaneous Mental Health Disorders Mood Disorders Neurodevelopmental Disorders Opioid Overdoses Opioid Related Disorders Personality Disorders Schizophrenia Sedative Overdoses Sedative Related Disorders Stimulant Overdoses Stimulant Related Disorders Substance Related Disorders Suicide Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders Rates per 100,000 population. Age-adjusted rates per 100,000 2000 US standard population. Blank Cells: Rates not calculated for fewer than 11 events. Rates not calculated in cases where zip code is unknown. Geography not reported where there are no cases reported in a given year. SES: Is the median household income by SRA community. Data for SRAs only. *The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with increases in all-cause mortality. COVID-19 deaths have affected the patterns of mortality including those of Behavioral Health conditions. Data sources: California Department of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics, Office of Health Information and Research, Vital Records Business Intelligence System (VRBIS). California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), Emergency Department Database and Patient Discharge Database, 2020. SANDAG Population Estimates, 2020 (vintage: 09/2022). Population estimates were derived using the 2010 Census and data should be considered preliminary. Prepared by: County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Community Health Statistics Unit, February 2023. 2020 Community Profile Data Guide and Data Dictionary Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/chsu/viz/2020CommunityProfilesDataGuideandDataDictionaryDashboard_16763944288860/HomePage

Tags: behavioral health, alcohol, alcohol related disorders, anxiety, cannabis, depression, impulse disorders, miscellaneous mental health disorders, mood disorders, opioid, personality disorders, schizophrenia, sedatives, stimulants, substance use, suicide, trauma

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Condition Groupcondition_grouptext
Index Groupindex_grouptext