Police Incident Data

internal.chattadata.org | Last Updated 22 Feb 2024

The data provided in this public portal/website represents general data of incidents based on the Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System (TIBRS). Incidents involving protected classes (juveniles, domestic abuse victims) by Tennessee law have been removed. Additionally, some incident addresses have been generalized to block level and randomly offset to protect the privacy of victims of crime. All crime data posted is preliminary and may or may not have been reviewed and approved by the Chattanooga Police Department’s (CPD) quality control process; therefore, the data may change upon further investigation. The City of Chattanooga and the Chattanooga Police Department caution against using crime data provided in this public portal to make decisions regarding the safety of, amount of or type of crime occurring in a particular area. Users should not make decisions as it relates to safety solely based on the data provided on this website, but should seek independent verification directly through CPD’s Crime Analyst Unit. The information in this portal is provided strictly as a courtesy to the public.

Tags: police, crime, incident, crimes

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
AddressaddresstextGeneralized address of incident
CitycitytextCity of incident
StatestatetextState of incident
ZipziptextZip of incident
Date_Incidentdate_incidentcalendar_dateDate incident occurred
JurisdictionjurisdictiontextJurisdiction of responding unit
Incident_Tractincident_tracttextPolice district where incident occurred
ZonezonetextZone where incident occurred
UCR_Incident_Codeucr_incident_codetextUCR stands for Uniform Crime Reporting. The program was conceived in 1929 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to meet the need for reliable uniform crime statistics for the nation. In 1930, the FBI was tasked with collecting, publishing, and archiving those statistics.
Incident_Descriptionincident_descriptiontextDescription of incident
Incident_Typeincident_typetextType of incident
Case_Numbercase_numbertextCase number
Case_Statuscase_statustextCase status code
Case_Status_Descriptioncase_status_descriptiontextDescription for case status code
LatitudelatitudenumberApproximate latitude of incident
NeighborhoodneighborhoodtextNeighborhood where incident occurred
LongitudelongitudenumberApproximate longitude of incident
LocationlocationpointApproximate location of incident in well known text format
citydstcitydsttextCouncil district where incident occurred