TN Counties COVID-19 Vaccinations | Last Updated 26 Jun 2024

Data pulled from THD website

Tags: vaccination, vaccine, covid-19, thd

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DATEdatecalendar_dateDate of vaccine count
COUNTYcountytextCounty of vaccine count
VACCINE_COUNTvaccine_countnumberCount of vaccines for the given county and date
NEW_VACCINE_COUNTnew_vaccine_countnumberNew vaccines since previous date
RECIPIENT_COUNTrecipient_countnumberRecipients receiving vaccine for the given date and county
NEW_RECIPIENT_COUNTnew_recipient_countnumberNew recipients since the previous day
RECIP_FULLY_VACCrecip_fully_vaccnumberNumber of fully vaccinated recipients
NEW_RECIP_FULLY_VACCnew_recip_fully_vaccnumberNew fully vaccinated recipients since the previous date
ididtextUnique row id
RECIP_ADDL_DOSErecip_addl_dosenumberTotal number of booster doses
NEW_RECIP_ADDL_DOSEnew_recip_addl_dosenumberAdditional daily boosters