Iowa Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over (ACS 5-Year Estimates) | Last Updated 7 Jun 2024

This dataset contains Iowa population estimate for individuals 16 years and older by employment status for State of Iowa, individual Iowa counties, Iowa places and census tracts within Iowa. Data is from the American Community Survey, Five Year Estimates, Table B23025. Employment status includes the following: Total, Labor Force, Civilian Labor Force, Civilian Employed Labor Force, Civilian Unemployed Labor Force, Armed Forces and Not in Labor Force.

Tags: american community survey, population, employment status, place, county, census tract, acs 5-year estimates

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Geography Idgeography_idtextSpecific geography id used by the U.S. Census for the state, county, place or census tract associated with the record.
TypetypetextSpecifies the type of geography associated with the record. Categories include: state, county, place and tract.
NamenametextName of geography associated with the record.
VariablevariabletextVariable name identified by the US Census Bureau.
Variable Descriptionvariable_descriptiontextDescribes the characteristics associated with the variable.
Data Collection Perioddata_collection_periodtextThe data collection period reflects the years associated with the 60 month data collection period.
Data Collection End Datedatecalendar_dateThe date when the 60 month data collection period concluded.
Employment Statusemployment_statustextEmployment status includes the following values: Total, Labor Force, Civilian Labor Force, Civilian Employed Labor Force, Civilian Unemployed Labor Force, Armed Forces, Not in Labor Force. Total includes those in the labor force and those who are not. Labor force includes both the Civilian Labor Force and Armed Forces.
Population EstimatevaluenumberPopulation estimate 16 years and older associated with geography, variable, and data collection period.
Change Ratechange_ratenumberPercent change from the previous five year data collection period.
LocationlocationpointPrimary point for the specific geography.
Row IDrow_idtextUnique Row Identifier