Iowa Population 25 Years and Over Educational Attainment (ACS 5-Year Estimates) | Last Updated 30 Aug 2023

This dataset provides population 25 years and over estimates by educational attainment for State of Iowa, individual Iowa counties, Iowa places and census tracts within Iowa. Data is from the American Community Survey, Five Year Estimates, Table B15003. Levels of educational attainment include the following: No schooling completed; Nursery school; Kindergarten; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd grade; 4th grade; 5th grade; 6th grade; 7th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; 10th grade; 11th grade; 12th grade, no diploma; Regular high school diploma; GED or alternative credential; Some college, less than 1 year; Some college, 1 or more years, no degree; Associate's degree; Bachelor's degree; Master's degree; Professional school degree; and Doctorate degree.

Tags: american community survey, population, educational attainment, county, place, census tract, acs 5-year estimates

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Geography Idgeography_idtextSpecific geography id used by the U.S. Census for the state, county, place or census tract associated with the record.
TypetypetextSpecifies the type of geography associated with the record. Categories include: state, county, place and tract.
NamenametextName of geography associated with the record.
VariablevariabletextVariable name identified by the US Census Bureau.
Variable Descriptionvariable_descriptiontextDescribes the characteristics associated with the variable.
Data Collection Perioddata_collection_periodtextThe data collection period reflects the years associated with the 60 month data collection period.
Data Collection End Datedatecalendar_dateThe date when the 60 month data collection period concluded.
Educational Categoryeducational_categorytextLevels of educational attainment include the following: No schooling completed; Nursery school; Kindergarten; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd grade; 4th grade; 5th grade; 6th grade; 7th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; 10th grade; 11th grade; 12th grade, no diploma; Regular high school diploma; GED or alternative credential; Some college, less than 1 year; Some college, 1 or more years, no degree; Associate's degree; Bachelor's degree; Master's degree; Professional school degree; and Doctorate degree.
High School Diplomahigh_school_diplomatextValue is "Yes" where variable description is one of the following: Regular high school diploma; GED or alternative credential; Some college, less than 1 year; Some college, 1 or more years, no degree; Associate's degree; Bachelor's degree; Master's degree; Professional school degree; or Doctorate degree. Those with NA are records reflecting total population estimate.
College Degreecollege_degreetextValue is "Yes" where variable description is one of the following: Associate's degree; Bachelor's degree; Master's degree; Professional school degree; or Doctorate degree. NA are records reflecting total population estimate.
Graduate Degreegraduate_degreetextValue is "Yes" where variable description is one of the following: Master's degree; Professional school degree; or Doctorate degree. NA are records reflecting total population estimate.
Population EstimatevaluenumberPopulation estimate 25 years and over associated with geography, variable, and data collection period.
LocationlocationpointPrimary point for the specific geography.