Economic Development Projects - Closed | Last Updated 5 Mar 2024

This dataset includes information on economic development projects were awarded incentives through Iowa Economic Development Authority programs as early as FY 2003, and are considered “completed” by IEDA’s compliance team at the end of the fiscal year (annual report cut-off date). Each project has been evaluated to determine if the it met all the terms of the contract. If all contractual terms are met, projects are categorized as "successful" and are under no additional obligation to report information to IEDA regarding the project. If a project was unable to meet all terms required in the contract, the IEDA compliance team determined the award “recapture” – consisting of paying back all or a portion of the direct assistance provided by the state or returning (or not claiming) some or all tax credits that had been awarded. These projects would be categorized as either “full recapture” or “partial recapture” of the award.

Tags: economic development, projects, direct assistance, tax credits, sucessful, full recapture, partial recapture

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Company Namecontract_nametextName of company awarded assistance
CountycountytextProject location - county
CitycitytextCity where the economic development project is located.
StatusstatustextThe status "Successful" indicates the project has met contractual requirements. The status "Full Recapture" indicates the project was unable to meet all terms required in the contract, and was required to pay back or return all direct assistance or tax credits awarded. The status "Partial Recapture" indicates the project was unable to meet all terms required in the contract, and was required to pay back or return a portion of the direct assistance or tax credits awarded.
ProgramprogramtextNames of economic development programs supporting the project.
Primary Funding Agreementprimary_funding_agreementtextIf the project has more than one fund source, the primary funding agreement is displayed, or or in case of older awards, the funding source still open is displayed. The middle section of the agreement number indicates the direct assistance or tax credit program. See attachments in "About" panel for more information.
Award Dateaward_datecalendar_dateDate of award by IEDA Board
Total Project Costtotal_project_costnumberTotal projected cost of the project at time of award
Capital Investmentcapital_investmentnumberTotal projected capital investment at time of award
Direct Assistance Awardeddirect_assistance_awardednumberAmount of direct assistance awarded to the company to complete project
Tax Benefits Awardedtax_benefits_awardednumberAmount of maximum tax benefits awarded to company to complete project
Projected Jobs - Createdprojected_jobs_creatednumberNumber of jobs projected to be created above projected qualifying wage at time of award. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Projected Jobs - Retainedprojected_jobs_retainednumberNumber of jobs projected to be retained above projected qualifying wage at time of award. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Projected Jobs - Otherprojected_jobs_othernumberNumber of other jobs projected at time of award which fall below the projected qualifying wage. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Projected Jobs - Totalprojected_jobs_totalnumberSum of projected created, retained and other jobs. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Projected Qualifying Wageprojected_qualifying_wagenumberProjected threshold/required wage at time of award. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Contracted Jobs - Createdcontracted_jobs_creatednumberNumber of jobs to be created above contracted qualifying wage as agreed to in the contract. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Contracted Jobs - Retainedcontracted_jobs_retainednumberNumber of jobs to be retained above the contracted qualifying wage as agreed to in the contract. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Contracted Jobs - Other Createdcontracted_jobs_othernumberNumber of other jobs to be created below contracted qualifying wage as noted in the contract. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Contracted Jobs - Totalcontracted_jobs_totalnumberSum of contracted created, retained and other jobs. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Contracted Qualifying Wagecontracted_qualifying_wagenumberContracted threshold/required wage as agreed to in the contract for contracted created and retained jobs. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Verified Total Project Costverified_total_project_costnumberVerified actual total project cost at project completion. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Project Completion Dateproject_completion_datecalendar_dateDate by which project, both investment and jobs, was completed. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Final Jobs - Createdfinal_jobs_creatednumberNumber of jobs created above contracted qualifying wage as verified at project maintenance date. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Final Jobs - Retainedfinal_jobs_retainednumberNumber of jobs retained above contracted qualifying wage as verified at project maintenance date. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Final Jobs - Other Createdfinal_jobs_other_creatednumberNumber of jobs created below contracted qualifying wage as verified at project maintenance date. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Final Jobs - Totalfinal_jobs_totalnumberSum of jobs created and retained including those below the contracted qualifying wage as verified at project maintenance date. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
Project Maintenance Dateproject_maintenance_datecalendar_dateDate to which jobs were to be maintained. NA indicates the data was not available for the project - likely the result of changing program requirements.
City Coordinatescity_locationpointThe location represents the city center for where the project is located, and not the exact project location.