Iowa Apprenticeship Training Grants | Last Updated 29 Aug 2023

There are more than 1,000 occupations eligible for apprenticeship training grants, from accounting specialists to nurses. Registered apprenticeships are a proven approach to preparing workers for in-demand jobs and meeting the needs of business for a highly skilled workforce that can innovate and adapt. The program is administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) in coordination with the United States Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Apprenticeship (OA).

Tags: apprenticeships, training, jobs, skilled workforce

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Application IDapplication_idtextUnique ID given to the application.
ApplicantapplicanttextThe sponsor or lead sponsor (a trade organization, labor organization, employee organization or other incorporated entity representing a group of registered apprenticeship sponsors) who applied for the training grant.
Applicant Cityapplicant_citytextCity the applicant is located.
Applicant Stateapplicant_statetextState the applicant is located.
Applicant Zipapplicant_ziptextZip code where the applicant is located.
Award Dateaward_datecalendar_dateDate applicant was notified of the award.
Contract Datecontract_datecalendar_dateDate agreement was executed.
Award Amountaward_amountnumberTotal dollar amount awarded to the applicant.
Reported Expendituresreported_expendituresnumberTotal amount reported by applicant as expended.
Award Balanceaward_balancenumberBalance of award remaining.
Applicant City Coordinatesapplicant_city_coordinatespoint