Iowa Counties with Population Decrease, Current Estimate (ACS 5-Year Estimates) | Last Updated 30 Aug 2023

This filtered view contains most current population estimate and population change and change rate from prior non-overlapping data collection period for individual Iowa counties whose population has decreased. Data is from the American Community Survey, Five Year Estimates, Table B02001.

Tags: american community survey, acs 5-year estimates, county, population decrease

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
geography_idgeography_idtextSpecific geography id used by the U.S. Census for the state, county, place or census tract associated with the record.
countycountytextName of geography associated with the record.
data_collection_perioddata_collection_periodtextThe data collection period reflects the years associated with the 60 month data collection period.
population_estimatepopulation_estimatenumberPopulation estimate associated with geography, variable, and data collection period.
population_changepopulation_changenumberChange from the previous five year data collection period.
change_ratechange_ratenumberPercent change from the previous five year data collection period.
previous_data_collectionprevious_data_collectiontextProvides the years associated with the previous non-overlapping five year data collection period to facilitate calculating change and change rate for the current estimate.
locationlocationpointPrimary point for the specific geography.