CO-OP Non-Profits Conducting Business in State of Iowa | Last Updated 30 Aug 2023

This filtered view lists of active business entities registered to conduct business in State of Iowa as a CO-OP non-profit at time of update.

Tags: corporation, non-profit

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Corp Numbercorp_numbertextID given to the business or organization
Legal Namelegal_nametextLegal Name for the business or organization
Corporation Typecorporation_typetextType of entity formation used for the business or organization
Effective Dateeffective_datecalendar_dateDate the business or organization was registered or became effective
Registered Agentregistered_agenttextAgent designated by the entity to accept service of process.
RA Address 1ra_address_1textAddress for the registered agent
RA Address 2ra_address_2text
RA Cityra_citytextCity for the registered agent
RA Statera_statetextState for the registered agent
RA Zipra_ziptextZip code for the registered agent
Home Officehome_officetextHome office name - if null same as legal name
HO Address 1ho_address_1textAddress for the Home Office
HO Address 2ho_address_2text
HO Cityho_citytextCity for the home office
HO Stateho_statetextState of the home office
HO Zipho_ziptextZip code for the home office
HO Countryho_countrytext
RA Locationra_locationpointCoordinates based on full or partial address for the registered agent where available.
HO Locationho_locationpointCoordinates based on full or partial address for the home office where available.