IUB Checkbook

mydata.iowa.gov | Last Updated 11 Jul 2024

This filtered view contains payment transactions recorded in the State of Iowa’s central accounting system for the Iowa Utilities Board.

Tags: checkbook, expenditures, payments, vendors

This dataset has the following 22 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Record Numberrec_notextThis is the journal record number which is a unique ID for the record.
Fiscal Yearfiscal_yearnumberIdentifies the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30, numbered for the calendar year it ends) the payment was assigned. The fiscal year includes a hold-over period for payments made after year end for good and services received on or before June 30.
Fiscal Year Periodfiscal_year_periodnumberReflects twelve periods with July being period 1 and June being period 12. Hold-over payments are reflected in period 12.
Accounting Periodaccounting_periodtextAccounting periods as reflected in the State's accounting system. Reflects hold-over periods for payments made after year end.
ServiceservicetextService reference functions in the state budget, which represent groups of agencies that make expenditures for similar programs and purposes.
DepartmentdepartmenttextName of department, institution or agency making the payment
Fund Codefund_codetextThe code designating the source of funds used to make the payment
Fund Namefund_nametextThe source of funds used to make the payment
Appropriation Codeappropriation_codetextThe code designating the legislative authorization for the payment. Some payments are authorized by Iowa Code and do not require an appropriation.
Appropriation Nameappropriation_nametextThe legislative authorization for the payment. Some payments are authorized by Iowa Code and do not require an appropriation.
ProgramprogramtextThe organizational unit or program within a department associated with the payment
Expense Categoryexpense_categorytextExpense category assigned to the payment
VendorvendortextName of vendor receiving the payment. Some data will be noted as "RESTRICTED" if removed from data for confidentiality purposes.
Vendor Numbervendor_idtextLists number assigned to vendor. Data removed for confidentiality purposes will be noted as "RESTRICTED" and the vendor number for state employees have been altered to remove the portion of the vendor number based on their Social Security Number.
Payment Numberpayment_idtextUnique code for the payment based on a concatenation of the doc code, dept number, doc ID, vendor line number and commodity line number from the accounting system
Payment Issue Datepayment_datecalendar_dateDate payment was made to the vendor
Invoice Numberinvoice_idtextInvoice number provided by the vendor where available. If invoice is not available, same as payment number.
Invoice Line Numberinvoice_linenumberPlaceholder number
Invoice Line Distribution Numberinvoice_distribution_linenumberPlaceholder number
Invoice Dateinvoice_datecalendar_dateDate of invoice where available, otherwise same as payment date.
AmountamountnumberAmount of payment to the vendor
DescriptiondescriptiontextA description of the type of expenditure such as travel, supplies, utilities, equipment, etc