
opendata.cityofhenderson.com | Last Updated 20 Jul 2024

This dataset has the following 51 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
Apply Dateapplydatecalendar_dateDate (long) of initial entry into permitting and land management system
Apply MonthapplymonthnumberMonth of initial entry into permitting and land management system
Apply Fiscal YearapplydatefytextFiscal Year of initial entry into permitting and land management system
Apply Date QtrapplydateqtrtextThe quarter (numeric) of the permit's initial entry into permitting and land management system
Expire Dateexpiredatecalendar_dateDate of expiration of permit. Subject to change until permit completion based on administrative code.
Issue Dateissuedatecalendar_dateIssuance date (long) of permit.
Finalized Datefinalizeddatecalendar_dateDate of completion of permit.
Working Days Between Apply Date and Issue DateworkingdaysbetweenapplydnumberThis represents the business days that pass between application and issuance. NOTE: This is total time including review, time between submissions, and time before permits are paid in full for issuance.
Permit TypepermittypetextType of permit.
Work ClassworkclasstextClassification of permit.
Permit NumberpermitnumbertextUnique identified number assigned to the permit.
Permit DescriptionpermitdescriptiontextGeneral description of the permit or plan provided by customer.
DepartmentdepartmenttextRepresents the Department or Division that the permit's primary classification fits into.
Permit StatuspermitstatustextCurrent status of the permit.
CategorycategorytextClassification assigned to the permit for reporting, primarily valuation.
Commercial Building AreacommercialbuildingareanumberSquare footage of commercial space permitted.
Residential Living ArearesidentiallivingareanumberSquare footage of residential living space permitted. Does not include garage, patio, or similar areas.
Multi-Family Living AreamultifamilylivingareanumberSquare footage of multi-family living space permitted.
Combined AreacombinedareanumberThe total combined area of the commercial space, multi-family living space, and residential living space.
Residential Garage ArearesidentialgarageareanumberSquare footage of garage space permitted in a residence.
Residential Porch ArearesidentialporchareanumberSquare footage of porch space permitted in a residence.
Residential Patio ArearesidentialpatioareanumberSquare footage of patio space permitted in a residence.
Permit Square Footage TotalpermitsquarefootagetotalnumberAll permitted square footage (Combined Area + Residential Garage Area + Residential Porch Area + Residential Patio Area)
Commercial ValuecommercialvaluenumberValuation of permitted commercial space. (USD)
Residential ValueresidentialvaluenumberValuation of permitted residential space. (USD)
Multi-Family ValuemultifamilyvaluenumberValuation of permitted multi-family space. (USD)
Combined ValuecombinedvaluenumberCommercial Value + Residential Value + Multi-Family Value
Submittal MethodsubmittalmethodtextMethod of application from the customer.
GISXgisxnumberThe longitude of the geographic center of the parcel permitted.
GISYgisynumberThe latitude of the geographic center of the parcel permitted.
Total Construction Cost (Private)totalconstructioncostprivatenumberAn estimate of valuation of private (on-site) construction .
Total Construction Cost (Public)totalconstructioncostpublicnumberAn estimate of valuation of public (off-site) construction.
Multi-Family Dwelling UnitsmultifamilydwellingunitsnumberThe number of permitted dwelling spaces constructed within the multi-family permit.
Residential Dwelling UnitsresidentialdwellingunitsnumberThe number of permitted dwelling spaces constructed within the residential permit.
Valuation TotalvaluationtotalnumberComputed total of valuation including miscellaneous permit types not represented in the Combined Total column.
Parcel NumberparcelnumbertextThe parcel (APN) permitted.
Parcel Address NumberparceladdressnumbertextThe address number for the situs of the permit.
Parcel Address Pre DirectionparceladdresspredirectiontextThe street direction for the situs of the permit.
Parcel Address StreetparceladdressstreettextThe street name of the situs of the permit.
Parcel Address Street TypeparceladdressstreettypetextThe street type (Rd., Hwy., Dr., etc.) associated to situs of the permit.
Parcel Address CityparceladdresscitytextThe city of the situs of the permit.
Parcel Address StateparceladdressstatetextThe state of the situs of the permit.
Parcel Address ZipparceladdressziptextThe zip code of the situs of the permit.
Professional NameprofessionalnametextBusiness name of the professional the permit was issued to.
Professional State License NumberprofessionalstatelicnbrtextThe contractor's license number of the professional the permit was issued to.
Professional AddressprofessionaladdresstextThe address of the professional the permit was issued to.
Professional PhoneprofessionalphonetextThe phone number of the professional the permit was issued to.
Owner NameownernametextOwner name from the parcel information.
OwnerAddressowneraddresstextOwner address from the parcel information.
Location (expanded) DescriptionlocationdescriptiontextDescription of the permitted area including a more detailed location, scope, and overview.
GIS Pointgis_pointpointThe combined GIS XY coordinates (geocoded) for mapping.