Fort Collins Quarterly Employment and Wages | Last Updated 22 Nov 2018

Fort Collins 4th quarter employment and wages from 2013-2017 by 3-digit NAICS code as reported to the Unemployment Administration. Certain categories have been suppressed to preserve business anonymity.

Tags: employment, jobs, wages, income, industry, industries, qcew, naics

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
NAICSnaicsnumberNorth American Industry Classification System 3-digit codes
NAICS Titlenaics_titletextNorth American Industry Classification System description
2013 Employment_2013_empnumberEmployment for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2013 Wages_2013_wagesnumberWages for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2014 Employment_2014_empnumberEmployment for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2014 Wages_2014_wagesnumberWages for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2015 Employment_2015_empnumberEmployment for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2015 Wages_2015_wagesnumberWages for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2016 Employment_2016_empnumberEmployment for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2016 Wages_2016_wagesnumberWages for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2017 Employment_2017_empnumberEmployment for the fourth quarter of the specified year
2017 Wages_2017_wagesnumberWages for the fourth quarter of the specified year
meta_row_indexmeta_row_indexnumberMetadata field for a suggested sort order. Sort this column in ascending order to order the dataset the way it was intended from the source system.
meta_row_idmeta_row_idtextMetadata field for record hash. This field is a SHA-1 hash of all other fields in the record, used for validation of record uniqueness.