Capital Budget Expenditures and Budgets | Last Updated 15 Sep 2016

A listing of all active capital projects. This list includes multi-year data and is up-to-date as of 9/15/2016. The fiscal year of each project represents the year it was first funded in the Capital Budget. The financial figures represent all funds spent and encumbered (reserved) and budgeted for each capital project. **Note: the budgeted amounts for School Projects differ slightly from those in the Capital Budget document, as funding received from the State Aid for Public Schools program and various developer contributions, totaling $211,105,000, is not included.

Tags: capital, budget, spending, infrastructure, projects

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
CategorycategorytextType of Capital Project
CountcountnumberUsed for aggregation purposes
Captial_Project_No.captial_project_notextProject number from Capital Budget document.
Fiscal_Yearfiscal_yearnumberFiscal year in which each project was first funded in the Capital Budget.
Reporting_Yearreporting_yearnumberFiscal year data was extracted and reported.
Project_Titleproject_titletextProject title from Capital Budget document.
Spent/Encumberedspent_encumberednumberAll funding obligated or reserved for the project.
BudgetbudgetnumberCumulative total amount of funding allocated to each project in the Capital Budget to-date.
UnobligatedunobligatednumberAmount of budgeted funds remaining to be spent or reserved for a specific use.